Trump: What does his election bring for the world?

Matinee with Nancy Fraser, Eli Zaretzky, Marlene Streeruwitz, and Walter Baier

NYC Against Trump, credits: Karla Ann Cote on

Siebensterngasse 42
1070 Vienna

The election of a man to the role of 45th President of the USA who not only makes no attempt to hide his racist views and contempt for women, but who has actually turned these into his trademarks came as a surprise. The world stands amazed to see what is actually possible. 


After the presentation of a US Government that read like a Who’s Who of climate change deniers, reactionary obscurantists and militarists, astonishment was superseded by anxiety. The first steps taken by the new Administration sent shockwaves around the world and was met with consternation even in the Institutions.

Much of what reaches us today from Washington is grotesque, but it is not a matter of a bad joke. Trump and his European imitators, Strache, Hofer, Orbán, Le Pen and Wilders, are doing what they said they would. They are cursading against “political correctness” and the “liberal Establishment”, but really they have begun a war against democracy, women’s rights, rule of law and freedom of opinion.

Conversely, an unprecedented protest movement has formed in the USA and around the world, in which feminists, socialists, human rights activists, anti-racism campaigners and unionists are uniting with liberals against the real dangers that threaten freedom and democracy.

Trump’s election victory and the rise of nationalist, radical right-wing groups throughout Europe and the world also represent a new intellectual challenge and seem to herald the end of an age in which capitalism and democracy have seemingly coexisted with each other. In an age of historic, global upheaval of social and political relationships how can freedom and democracy be protected and strengthened?

We want to discuss these issues with:

Nancy Fraser and Eli Zaretzky, two of US America’s most notable intellectuals, who are in Vienna for a short stay. Also joining us in the discussions will be Marlene Streeruwitz, author, director and feminist theorist, and Walter Baier, political coordinator of the European network transform! europe. Political scientist Tamara Ehs will act as moderator.

Organised by transform! europe, in partnership with KosmosTheatertransform!atFrauenhetzPlattform 20.000 Frauen, Institut für Wissenschaft und Kunst – IWKDepartment of Political Science at the University of Vienna, Austrian Students’ Association at the University of Vienna, Academy of Fine ArtsDepartment of Development Studies at the University of Vienna


Saturday, 18 March 2017, 11am-1pm

Matinee with Nancy Fraser, Eli Zaretzky, Marlene Streeruwitz, and Walter Baier

Moderator: Tamara Ehs

In English and German with simultaneous interpretation.

Free entry via numbered ticket, reservation is required:
Phone: +43 1 5231226

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