United Against Fascism

European Forum Conference

Corvin Sissi Hotel
H-1094 Budapest
Angyal utca 31

As part of the activities planned to celebrate the Victory over Fascism, the European Forum of Left, Green and Progressive forces organises a series of actions in Budapest on Sunday 7th of May 2023. United against fascism is the key to building peace in Europe!


The Committee of the European Forum invites you to take part in the series of events commemorating the defeat of fascism, starting with the conference on the past and present of the fight against fascism in Europe at the Corvin Sissi Hotel in Budapest, Hungary.

Introductory words will be given by Walter Baier, President of the European Left, followed by first part in which historians will analyse the experience and significance of the common victory over fascism and the importance of historical memory.

In the second part public personalities and politicians including Jeremy Corbyn (former leader of the Labour Party, UK), Attila Vajnai (President of the Hungarian Labour Party in 2006), and Eleonora Forenza (Former MEP, Italy) will assess the current situation in Europe and make joint proposals for achieving peace as soon as possible.

After the official programme of the conference, which will conclude with an international press conference at the Corvin Sissi Hotel, you are cordially invited to participate in the ceremonies and wreath-laying ceremonies at various anti-fascist monuments in Budapest:

Ceremony at the anti-fascist memorial at Vizafogo with lay flowers and wreaths

Ceremony at the Shoes’ Monument remembering the victims killed by Arrow Cross bandits during World War 2

Torch-lit commemoration with anti-fascist movement songs, at sunset (20 pm-20:30 pm).

You are invited to join these important moments and if you want to attend, just register with an email to europeanforumlgp[at]gmail.com.

Sunday, 7 May
11:00 (CET)
Corvin Sissi Hotel, Angyal u. 31, Budapest

Detailed programme and more information can be found here.

Organised by: European Forum Commission of Left, Green and Progressive Forces, Balmix-Magyar Transform (transform! europe observer)

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