What future for the PIGS? The Case of Greece, the Response of the EU and Alternative Solutions

Contributions by:

Nicos Chountis, Greece (Member of the European Parliament -GUE/NGL; Syriza, Member of the crisis committee in the European Parliament)

Liem Hoang Ngoc, France (Member of the European Parliament – S&D; Parti socialiste – Professor of economy at the university Sorbonne; member of the crisis committee in the European Parliament)

Klaus Draeger, Germany (Staff coordinator GUE/NGL in the European Parliament, Committee on Employment and social Affairs)

Elisabeth Gauthier, France (European network Transform!)

Haris Golemis, Greece (Economist, Director of the Nicos Poulantzas Institute)


Sigfrido Ramirez and Pablo Sanchez Centellas, members of the transform! Working Group Brussels



Date & Time:

7 April 2010, 19h



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