What is the Future Factory?

Virtual Information Evening

From 15-18 June we will come together in Rome to build the future! Activists, academics and left organisations will meet to discuss and design non-militaristic, non-antagonistic and collaborative futures. Join us for a virtual info event on 3 May to learn more about the political context, workshops and speakers, and help us shape the Future Factory


The Future Factory is a three-day gathering bringing together activists, academics and left organisations to discuss, plan and design non-militaristic, non-antagonistic, collaborative futures in which war and exploitation will be not only unthinkable, but impossible! There will be workshops, lectures, plenaries and assemblies that connect peace movements with the struggles of anti-racist and refugee solidarity movements, environmental justice, feminist, labour and social justice movements.

                                               Where will it take place?
Rome, Italy

15 – 18 June 2023

                                                   Who is convening?
transform! europe  // ARCI // Esc Atelier // Comunia // WILPF // IPB //Transnational Institute
Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung // Global Justice Now// CGIL // Iratzar // instituto republica y democracia
Grassroots from all over Europe

                                                          But before the Future Factory …

We cordially invite you to join us for a virtual information evening on

Wednesday, 3 May at 18:00 (CET)

We will host a one-hour discussion where we will set out the political context in which we are convening the Future Factory, as well as what we hope to achieve during this three-day event, and we’ll introduce some of the workshops and confirmed speakers. We would also love to get feedback from those who join on how to shape the Future Factory further!

A more detailed invitation to the information and discussion event on 3 May in preparation for the Future Factory is also available as a pdf file on the right/below (mobile version) under ‘Documents’.

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