Where do we go now?

EL - USA Webinar

The Party of the European Left organises this event to understand the next steps of US politics and its potential consequences for the left.


What consequences from the election campaign for the left?

What are their main fields of political action?

Monday, 16 November
18:30 – 20:00 (CET)

English, with interpretation to Portuguese and German (on Zoom).


Heinz Bierbaum is a sociologist and economist and head of the International Commission of the party Die LINKE. In December 2019 he was elected new president of the Party of the European Left. He was a Secretary of the trade union IG Metall from 1980 to 1996, and his scholarly work focuses on industrial and social policy.

David Duhalde is a long-time democratic socialist activist starting a campus activist with what is now called Young Democratic Socialists of America. Since then, he served as DSA’s National Youth Organizer and Deputy Director. Duhalde also served as political director of the Bernie Sanders-inspired Our Revolution. Today, he is the Vice-Chair of the DSA Fund, a 501c3 educational nonprofit, and also serves on the DSA’s Steering Committee of the International Committee.

Jonah Furman served as Bernie Sanders 2020’s National Labor Organizer, and Political & Labor Organizer for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congress. He is also co-chair of Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America Labor Working Group.

Marisa Matias is a Member of the European Parliament, currently serving in the committees on Foreign Affairs and its subcommittee on Human Rights. From 2010 to 2016 she was Vice-President of the Party of the European Left. Marisa’s run in the 2016 Portuguese Presidential election made her the most-voted woman ever to run for president in Portugal. She is now running for a second time, with the elections taking place in January 2021.

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