Where Now for the Left?


ul. Długa 29

This conference, jointly organised with transform! europe, develops the themes from Naprzód’s previous conference in May, held on the topic of Authoritarianism and Nationalism in Europe. This time we aim to look at how the left can develop in Poland and Europe and build a real alternative to the neo-liberal and conservative right.


The event is divided into three main parts. Firstly, we shall discuss the Future of the Left in Europe and discuss the issue of how the left may rebuild itself and intervene to help shape a future Europe. On this panel will be representatives of the Polish left and the European Party of the Left and DIE LINKE.

The second panel will consider the role of women in social movements, reflecting on the rise of the womens’ movement in Poland and globally. Participating in this panel will be representatives of the womens’ movement in Poland and other parts of Europe as well as a representative of the Polish Teachers’ Trade Union that is involved in fighting a reform of the education system at the moment.

The final session will discuss the topic of non-voters in Poland and Europe. We will discuss why it is that large parts of the electorate to not participate in elections in Central and Eastern Europe and at how the left may seek to mobilise this part of society. In this panel we shall also be discussing the research programme being run by Naprzód on non-voters in Poland. This final topic partly relates to content published in the transform! yearbook 2017. Throughout the conference the Yearbook will be promoted and sold.


Saturday, 27 May 2017




Opening of the Conference


The Left in Poland and Europe

Chair: Anna Grodzka (‘Forward’ Foundation; Association FAIR Society, Poland)

  • Heinz Bierbaum (Left Party, Germany)
  • Jiri Hudecek (Party of Democratic Socialism, Czech Republic)
  • Piotr Ikonowicz (Chancellery of Social Justice, Poland)
  • Aleksandra Kluczka (Greens 2004; International European Movement)

12.15-12.45: Coffee Break


Women in Social Movements

Chair: Agata Czarnacka (Left Activist and Publicist/ ‘Forward’ Foundation, Poland)

  • Ewa Dąbrowska-Szulc (Pro Femina Association)
  • Nika Kolać (Institute 8 March, Initiative for Democratic Socialism, Slovenia)
  • Magdalena Kaszulanis (Polish Teachers’ Union, Poland)
  • Dagmar Svendova (transform! europe, Austria)

14.45-15.45: Lunch


The Publication of the transform! Yearbook 2017 and a Discussion on the Topic of Non-Voters

Moderator: Katarzyna Piotrowska  (‘Forward’ Foundation, Poland)

  • Holger Politt (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Poland) – tbc
  • Gavin Rae (‘Forward’ Foundation, Poland)
  • Atalia Vajnaj (Workers’ Party 2006, Hungary)


Closing of the Conference

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