“Why and How to Abolish the Illegitimate Debts in Europe?”

Lecture by Eric Toussaint

The Center for the Politics of Emancipation, The Feminist Forum of the Philosophy Faculty and transform! europe invite to a lecture that will be held by Eric Toussaint at the Amphitheater of the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade.


Éric Toussaint is a historian and political scientist. He is spokesperson for the CADTM (Committee for the Abolition of Illegitimate Debt) international network, of which he is one of the founding members, and he took part in the process that launched the World Social Forum in 2001.

Friday, 6 October, at 18:30

Éric Toussaint: “Why and how to abolish the illegitimate debts in Europe?”

Illegitimate debt is a debt which was contracted to serve the particular interests of a privileged minority against the general interest of the population. These minorities are, for example, the ruling elite or bankers, who are responsible for the financial crisis or/and for the growth of the public debt. The debt audit enables people to question the legitimacy of actions and policies of their government when they are unjust. Starting to question the logic of indebtedness enables people to reach a higher level of awareness. As long as citizens do not control and put pressure on their governments there will not be any real change. There is a need to establish political force with the courage and the strength, critical mobilization of wider population, to apply radical policies. Without those two conditions, there will be no profound structural change.

The lecture will be held in the French (consecutive translation into the Serbian).

The lecture is organized within Studies of socialism, program organized by the Center for the Politics of Emancipation (CPE) and supported by Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung SEE and transform! europe.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/119883665360267/

Contact: Vladimir Simovic, vladimir@pe.org.rs

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