Women’s Freedom in the 21st Century

International Conference

Casa Internazionale delle donne
Via della Lungara 19 (Trastevere)
00165 Roma

Thoughts and practices beyond all fundamentalisms


The main goal is to focus in every session the debate and exchange about interpretations, experiences, resistances and alternatives: a first step that we hope will continue involving more people.

The meeting is financially supported by transform! europe.

Contact: donne21@.org@gmail.com

Website: http://libertadonne21sec.altervista.org/category/english/




Friday, 20 October

16.00-17.00: Registration

17.00-17.30: Introductions to the Conference by Francesca Koch, Nicoletta Pirotta, Heidemarie Ambrosch, Ada Donno

17.00-19.00: Presentation by Susan George, followed by questions and comments.

19.00-20.30: Presentation of the dossier about feminist movements in North Africa and Middle East (in the magazine Africas and Orients, 1/2016) by the editors Anna Vanzan and Renata Pepicelli

Saturday, 21 October 

9.00-13.30: Session I : Liberté, egalité, fraternité? Alternatives against global inequality

With: Maria Iautrou (greek activist Salonicco Women’s house), Tania Toffanin (researcher Padova), Monica Di Sisto (Italia Stop TTIP), Heidemarie Ambrosch (Austria, transform !), Lorena Garron (Marea viola, Spain), Eleonora Forenza (Femministe nove, Italy)

14.00-20.30: Session II: Crisis of identities – criticism of belongings

With: Maryam Namazie (UK/Iran British courts about Sharia, activist), Urszula Kuczynska (Polish activist); Lema Nazeeh (Palestine, popular nonviolent resistence), Amany Sayyed (University Beirut, Lebanon), Orna Akad (Israel, writer), Cinzia Sciuto (journalist, Italy), Anna Maria Rivera (anthropologist, Italy)

Video: “DISTANT/UZAK MI” (Kobane experience) and debate with the director LeylaToprak (Turkey)


Sunday, 22 October 

9.00-12.30: Session III: Science and technology are not neutral. Omnipotence or awareness of the limit?

With: Eleonora Cirant (attivista Unione Femminile, Italy), Lucia Gallo (activist /campaign Guardiane della Terra), Caterina Botti (La Sapienza University, Italy), Bente Knoll (University of tecnology, Austria), Flavia Zucco (President of the association Women and Science Italy)

13.30-15.00 Conclusions and follow-up

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