Europe as a Common. Exploring Transversal Social Ethics

New Release

“This economy kills”, Pope Francis wrote 2013 in his encyclical Evangeli Gaudium, opening thus the door for a dialogue between Catholic Christians and socialists of Marxist orientation.


Dialogue does not mean that all differences of opinion between the parties involved would be levelled, but to enter into a conversation in which the greatest and most urgent tasks humanity nowadays has to address, finding an equilibrium with nature, overcoming global inequality, defending human dignity for “the wretched of the earth” and the preservation of peace are discussed without ideological reservations.

In this book, 20 authors from 11 countries, with Christian, Islamic and socialist backgrounds, bring together building blocks from which to develop a new transversal social ethic. The impetus for this project was given by Pope Francis in September 2014 during his meeting with two left-wing politicians, the Greek Alexis Tsipras and the Austrian Walter Baier.

Coming from different perspectives, the authors engage in a dialogue to envision a participatory Europe that accepts its responsibility in shaping a just, peaceful and sustainable world.

The volume presents, texts by Michael Löwy, Luciana Castellina, Walter Baier, Cornelia Hildebrandt, Franz Kronreif, Michael Brie, Petra Steimeier-Pösl, Piero Coda, José Manuel Pureza and others, including a message by Jorge Bergoglio (Pope Francis).

Walter Baier, Cornelia Hildebrandt, Franz Kronreif, Luisa Sello (Eds.)
Europe as a Common. Exploring Transversal Social Ethics
Time Diagnoses, Vol. 46
278 pages
LIT publishers
ISBN: 978-3-643-91298-5

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