Europe in Crisis: A Critique of the EU’s Failure to Respond

EuroMemorandum 2009/2010

Dedicated to the memory of Joerg Huffschmid (1940-2009)


Due to the death of Joerg Huffschmid, the founder and guiding spirit of the EuroMemo Group, the publication of the EuroMemorandum 2009/2010 has acquired a special character.

transform! europe has taken responsibility for its publication in print – available in English, French and Greek as well as in German, with the “Sozialismus” magazine and the Left group in the European Parliament, GUE/NGL, as cooperation partners.

With the publication of this year’s Memorandum in the form of a special edition of the transform! magazine we want to honour the work of our friend and comrade, Joerg Huffschmid.

Booklets containing the printed english version can be ordered at:

Download pdf (english version) on the left.

Click here for download of pdf in French, German, or Greek.

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