The Politics of Ecosocialism

Published with support of transform! europe


The Politics of Ecosocialism. Transforming welfare
Edited by Kajsa Borgnäs, Teppo Eskelinen, Johanna Perkiö, and Rikard Warlenius
London/New York: Routledge 2015
212 pages

As the global economy seeks to recover from the financial crisis and warnings about the consequences of climate change abound, it is clear that we need a fundamentally new approach to tackle these issues. This book offers a unique perspective, stressing the necessity of both ecological and social change as it discusses how to create a “red-green” or “eco-socialist” society.

Examining the current crises of welfare capitalism as well as the challenges and conflicts of an eco-socialist society, the book proposes a new social order that would combine the ideals of egalitarianism andof environmental sustainability. It analyses the key social and ecological issues related to the welfare state, including green Keynesianism, ecological Marxism, the limits of growth and no-growth, capitalist barriers to a renewable energy transition, proposals for a universal basic income and the role of technology. Finally, the book outlines possible paths of transformation towards creating an eco-socialist society, drawing out lessons that can be applied internationally.

For book order click here.

Find here the report of the publication event in the frame of the international seminar “The Climate Change and Left Politics”, hold in Helsinki on 24 October 2015, organised by the Left Forum (Vasemmistofoorumi) in collaboration with transform! europe.

Table of Contents

Introduction by Kajsa Borgnäs, Teppo Eskelinen, Johanna Perkiö, Rikard Warlenius

Part 1: The Scene

Kajsa Borgnäs: Marxist Crisis Theory and the Global Environmental Challenge

David Eklind Kloo: The Sustainability of Welfare Capitalism: Redefining institutions and agency

Ville Lähde: Politics in a World of Scarcity

Part 2: The Challenge

Fredrik Sjögren: Technology and Sustainability in the Light of Questions of Determinism

Rikard Warlenius: A Renewable Energy Transition: Capitalist barriers, socialist enticements

Teppo Eskelinen: Possibilities and Limits of Green Keynesianism

Tero Toivanen: Commons Against Capitalism

Part 3: Strategy and Agency

Johanna Perkiö: Universal Basic Income: A cornerstone of the new economic order

Shora Esmailian: Out of the Frying Pan: People on the move in a warmer world and how to receive them

Andreas Ytterstad: Climate Jobs as Tipping Point: Norwegian grassroots challenging the oil and climate change hegemony

Andreas Malm: Socialism of Barbeque, War Communism or Geo-engineering: Some thoughts on choices in a time of emergency

Afterword: John Bellamy Foster

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