Amílcar Cabral and the History of the Future

International Conference

Source: Centro de Estudos Sociais Universidade de Coimbra


Auditório António de Almeida Santos
Assembleia da República

To mark the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Amílcar Cabral, this colloquium aims to discuss Cabral’s political, theoretical, and cultural influence to evoke the legacies of the colonial war and the liberation struggles, and to analyse how this past still echoes in the contemporary challenges faced by Portuguese society.


On 13 and 14 January 2023 the international conference Amílcar Cabral and the History of the Future will take place, at the Portuguese National Assembly (Assembleia da República, Lisbon). The event is organised by the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra – CES/UC (through the CROME project, funded by the European Research Council, and the initiative “50 years of April”), the Institute of Contemporary History (IHC, NOVA-FCSH), the associated laboratory IN2PAST, and Cultra (member organisation of transform! europe) through the project “April is now”.

The registration is free but mandatory. To register, please click here.

More information on the event (in Portuguese) can be found here.


Friday, 13 January

9:00—9:45: Opening Session


  • Augusto Santos Silva, president of the National Assembly
  • António Sousa Ribeiro, director of CES/UC
  • Fernando Rosas, historian
  • Joana Dias Pereira, member ofthe board of IHC
  • Bruno Sena Martins, researcher and
  • Marga Ferré, Co-President of transform! europe


Working Tables

10:00—11:30: The colonial war and liberation struggles: memories and silences


  • Miguel Cardina, researcher at the Centre for Social Studies
  • Carlos Cardoso, anthropologist and philosopher, founder of the Amílcar Cabral Centre for Social Studies
  • Patrícia Godinho Gomes, visiting Associate Professor in the Postgraduate Programme in Ethnic and African Studies – Post-Afro, at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Guinea
  • Cláudia Castelo, historian and Senior researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon


  • Inês Nascimento Rodrigues, researcher at the Centre for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra.

11:30—13:00: Amílcar Cabral: life stories and living memory


  • Iva Cabral, historian and researcher, member of the Board of Directors of the Amílcar Cabral Foundation
  • José Neves, Assistant Professor in the Department of History at NOVA-FCSH
  • Leonor Pires Martins, integrated researcher of the Institute of Contemporary History (IHC – NOVA FCSH/IN2PAST)
  • Julião Soares Sousa, researcher at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research/Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies (CEIS20), Guinea
  • José Pedro Castanheira, professional journalist


  • Victor Barros, Guest Professor at the University of Santiago, Cape Verde (2021-2022) and researcher at the Institute of Contemporary History (IHC/IN2PAST) of the NOVA University of Lisbon.


14:30-16:00: Conference


  • Pedro Pires, designated Prime Minister and President of the Republic of Cape Verde, president of the Amílcar Cabral Foundation


16:30—18:30: Amílcar Cabral: image in movement (with screening of the film O Regresso de Cabral)


  • Filipa César, artist and filmmaker
  • Sana na N’Hada, documentary filmmaker and writer
  • Diana Andringa, journalist, documentary filmmaker and producer


  • Sumaila Jaló, activist with intervention in political and social issues in Guinea-Bissau

Saturday, 14 January

Working Tables

9:30—11:00: Amílcar Cabral: texts


  • Ângela Coutinho, researcher at IPRI – Universidade Nova de Lisboa and at CEIS20 – Universidade de Coimbra
  • Mustafah Dhada, historian of the Portuguese colonial wars during the African liberation struggles
  • Roberto Vecchi, professor of Portuguese and Brazilian Literature and the History of Portuguese Culture at the University of Bologna


  • Rita Lucas Narra, PhD fellow in History at NOVA-FCSH


11:30—13:00: Amílcar Cabral: international dimensions of the struggle


  • Rui Lopes, researcher at the Institute of Contemporary History at NOVA FCSH
  • Aurora Almada Santos, researcher at the Institute of Contemporary History of the New University of Lisbon
  • Teresa Almeida Cravo, researcher at the Centre for Social Studies and Assistant Professor of International Relations at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (FEUC
  • Vincenzo Russo, Associate Professor of Portuguese and Brazilian Literature and African Literatures in Portuguese Language at the University of Milan


  • Pedro Aires Oliveira, Associate Professor at the Department of History of NOVA FCSH and integrated researcher of the Institute of Contemporary History


14:30—16:00: Amílcar Cabral: politics, culture and utopia


  • Miguel de Barros, sociologist, researcher and coordinator of the Research Cell in History, Anthropology and Sociology of the Centro de Estudos Sociais Amílcar Cabral (CESAC)
  • Rui Cidra, anthropologist, sociologist, and historian
  • Sílvia Roque, Assistant Professor of International Relations at the University of Évora and researcher at the Centre for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra
  • Redy Wilson Lima, collaborating researcher at the Centre for Studies on Africa, Asia and Latin America of ISIEG/University of Lisbon


  • João Mineiro, anthropologist, sociologist, and researcher


16:30—18:00: Decolonisation: meanings and challenges


  • Beatriz Gomes Dias, Portuguese teacher, activist and politician
  • Bruno Sena Martins, researcher at the Centre for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra (CES/UC)


  • Marta Lança, journalist, translator, editor and producer

Closing Party at B.Leza

22:00 Prétu concert
23:00 Abel Djassi DJ Set

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