Changing the World in Covid Times. Quistioni. Magazine of the European Left


Source: Party of the European Left

The presentation event of our newly launched web magazine “Quistioni” to learn more about the magazine’s aim, content and contributors. The first issue, directed by Paolo Ferrero, hosts prominent personalities of current European debates.


Click here to read the full version of the first issue of Quistioni online.

Tuesday, 27 April, 5 pm (CET)


Heinz Bierbaum, President of the Party of the European Left
Paolo Ferrero, Vice-President of the EL and Director of Quistioni
Margarita Mileva, Vice-President of the Party of the European Left
Natassa Theodorakopoulou, Vice-President of the Party of the European Left

EN, It, F, ES

The event was also available through our Facebook page (link).

For more information on the presentation, click here

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