Christian and Marxist Approaches on Peace Ethics – Part 3

Webinar Series


In this Webinar Series, Dialop and transform! europe explore the common ground and the differences between Christian and Marxist approaches to peace ethics. The third webinar has the title: Can arts, science and religion redeem us and be ferments of peace? Applications today. Join us!


What is required of Ethics for peace-building? What is its role during conflict and war? How does Ethics shape the Future?

In this Webinar Series, Dialop and transform! europe, explore the simmiliarities and the differences between Christian and Marxist approaches to Peace Ethics.

Verum, bonum and pulchrum are referred to in philosophy as ‘transcendental’ concepts because, from a cognitive point of view, they are the ‘first’ concepts, since they cannot logically be traced back to anything preceding them. In times of peace, dealing with them might be controversial, but it’s not a matter of life and death. In times of war, they are tested for their potential: to liberate or to condemn.

In this third and final webinar on peace-building, we want to demonstrate in practice their potential and their power to redeem, to save and to transcend us to the more that we can be. Scholars and activists from the Christian and Marxist sides will take this trust together.

Can arts, science and religion redeem us and be ferments of peace? Applications today.
Wednesday, 12 April 2023
18:00 – 20.00 (CET)
via Zoom

To register, please click here.



  • Wolfgang Palaver, University Innsbruck:

    The concept of „redemptive violence“ in Walter Wink

Bonum – Religion

  • Roberto Catalano, Interreligious Dialogue Focolare Movement:

The temptation of violence in religions and their role in peace building

Pulchrum – Art

  • Inbal Volpo, OneState Embassy:

The role of arts in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Verum –  Science

  • Luca Fiorani, Research scientist, Professor at Sophia & Lumsa Universitie:

The universality and the limits of science


  • Federico Rovea, University Padua

To review the previous webinars of the series follow the websites of Dialop and transform! europe.

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