Confronting the free trade model: trade treaties, energy and green new deals


This session will explore the ways in which current trade and investment treaties interfere with the Green New Deal (GND) vision of a broad social and economic transformation to address the joint crises of climate change and inequality. These problems will be illustrated by examining renewable energy disputes under the WTO and investment disputes under the Energy Charter Treaty. The session will discuss ways to work around trade treaty obstacles to climate action and explore how the multilateral system must change to support the transition to a just, decarbonized world.


Hadrian Mertins-Kirkwood, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Pia Eberhardt, Corporate Europe Observatory
Scott Sinclair, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives


This webinar series is organized by transform! europe together with Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Brussels and New York Offices, in collaboration with the Institute for Policy Studies, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policyand the Transnational Institute (TNI).

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