“From Debt and Austerity to a Reclaim of Democracy”

Series of panel discussions

National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
Averoff Building
Conference Room
42, Patission Str. 

Nicos Poulantzas Institute and transform! launch a series of panel discussions considering the European Integration experience, posing as spikes, issues that characterize the evolution of the European financial and political crisis, while examining them in a broader perspective.


The debt as a governance technique, the uneven geography of the European space, the continuities and discontinuities of the european integration project, but also the potential for a left political project in Europe are some of the issues to be discussed with the participation of academic scholars, social scientists and political personalities from Greece and abroad.

There will be simultaneous translation.


Wednesday, 29 April, 19:00

The debt as a governance technique
Maurizio Lazzarato (Sociologist and Philosopher)
Discussant: Athena Athanasiou (Associate Professor of Social Anthropology, Panteion University, and Vice President of the Nicos Poulantzas Institute)

Saturday, 16 May, 19:00

Uneven Geographical Development and Crisis in Europe
Ray Hudson (Professor of geography and acting Vice-chancellor, University of Durham)
Discussant: Costis Hadjimichalis (Professor Emeritus, Department of Geography, Harokopio University)

Wednesday, 27 May, 19:00

Torsions in the European integration project
Susan Watkins (Editor New Left Review)
Discussant: Haris Golemis (Director of the Nicos Poulantzas Institute)

Thursday, 11 June, 19:00

A left political project for Europe
Luciana Castellina (Journalist and politician of the Italian Left)
Discussant: Tasos Koronakis (General Secretary of SYRIZA)

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