¡No Pasaran! Confronting the Rise of the Far-Right

European Conference


Bloomsbury Central, 235 Shaftesbury Ave


Transform! UK supports the european conference on the rise of far-right, bringing together left and progressive forces from across Europe and beyond: to work together, to promote viable political alternatives and coordinate an effective response.


The far-right is on the offensive across Europe: the biggest upsurge since the 1930s. From street attacks and mobilisations to government office, they use Islamophobia, xenophobia and racism to spread hate and fear, they attack trade unionists and the left, and the rights and liberties of us all.

Gaining succour from the Trump White House, they are increasingly internationalised, well-funded and well-organised. Bolsonaro’s victory in Brazil extends this wave into Latin America.

These developments must be countered by rapid and effective mobilisation from the labour and progressive movement. We must be united, in Britain and across Europe, and beyond, to defeat this immensely dangerous political turn. This is vital, for far right domination of European politics would spell disaster for millions across the continent.

These are dangerous times; time for unity and solidarity.


Organised by Transform! UK and supported by transform! europe, Global Justice Now, Stand up to Racism, Another Europe is Possible, European Left Party, DiEM 25 UK, The Monitoring Project and others


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To get involved: nopasaran@prruk.org

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