Protect the People! Not the System! Weekend of Debate and Exchange in Vienna

Jesuitenwiese, Prater

The Party of the European Left (EL), together with the Communist Party of Austria (CPA/KPÖ) is organizing a weekend of debate and exchange in Vienna, starting with a seminar on Friday, 4 Sept., which is supported by transform! europe. The main focus of the events will be left local politics and international exchange of experiences.


In this context, the following questions will be discussed in particular:

  • affordable housing
  • public transport and urban planning
  • communal right to vote

Following the seminar on Friday, a public outdoor event with international guests from various European cities will be held on September from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Viennese park “Prater” (Jesuitenwiese).

Among the guests will be Antoine Spilet (PCF, France), Regina Ertl (Die Linke, Germany) and Kerem Schamberger (Marxistische Linke, Germany).

The organizing team is looking forward to bring together international and local experiences!

Especially under the difficult circumstances of the pandemic the cooperation of various left forces is absolutely indispensable!

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