Solidarities for Climate Justice & Justice Transition

Week of Action

Focussing on the urgency of climate change and the need for a just energy transition, AEPF will have a week of events with expert webinars and collective actions to link solidarities on climate justice.


AEPF (The Asia Europe People´s Forum) was formed 1996 in Bangkok with the aim of bringing an alternative paradigm that puts people at the centre of development, a people-centred approach to regional integration and a just multipolar world without hegemons.

Since then AEPF has organised 12 Peoples Forums that involved coalitions of farmers, urban poor and women’s organisations, trade unions, regional campaign networks and NGOs, and progressive think-tanks and scholars, parliamentarians and journalists.

transform! europe and AEPF have been working together for years, organising webinars and workshops.

The Week of Action on climate change and climate justice will take place from 18 to 24 October.

More information on the webinars and collective actions will be coming soon.

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