“Strategies Against the Rise of Extreme Right in Europe”

European Parliament
Room ASP 1G2

A GUE/NGL Hearing on 8 December 2015, 9.00-12.30, in the European Parliament. With the participation of representatives of transform! europe.


Click here for the programme and livestreaming.


9.30: Introduction by Gabi Zimmer – President of GUE/NGL

9.40: An approach from organizations and institutions working against hate. Presentation of the panel by Stelios Kouloglou (GUE/NGL MEP, SYRIZA)
o   Daniel Riazat (Left Party MP, Sweden)
o   Walter Baier (transform! europe, Austria)
o   Weyman Bennett (Unite Against Fascism, UK)
o   Mikel Ramos (Author of the Project: Hate Crimes in the Spanish State)
o   Chiara Adamo (Head of the Unit of Fundamental rights in DG Justice)

11.00: Working against fascism in the streets. Presentation of the panel by Marina Albiol (GUE/NGL MEP, Izquierda Plural)
o   Lara Manyes (Coordinadora Antifeixista Intercomarcal, Spanish State)
o   Elisabeth Gauthier (transform! europe, France)
o   Giorgos Chondros (SYRIZA, Greece)
o   Wouter Hillaert (Hart boven Hard, Belgium)


Interpretation DE, FR, IT, EN, EL, ES, PT

To register please contact: Georgios.karatsioubanis@europarl.europa.eubefore 2 December 2015

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