Summer University 2019 of the European Left Party and transform! europe



Once a year the Party of the European Left and transform! europe organize the Summer University that gathers activists, members of parties and social movements for a multi-day debate on current political and social issues. This year’s summeruni will take place in Fiuggi, Italy.


Each Summer University deals with specific topics and promotes the exchange of information and experiences in the various European countries. During workshops and seminars the participants discuss policies and initiatives for the construction of an alternative Europe.

Find information on the registration here;


Please find the programme on the right (pdf);


Wednesday 10 July 2019

Opening (afternoon)


Thursday 11 July 2019

9.30 – Plenary: The crisis of the neoliberal globalisation and the destructive tendencies of current capitalism

12.30 – Lunch

14.30 – Seminars

 ·         The transformation of production and unifying slogans of workers’ struggles in Europe

 ·         Against NATO and the European army: a new international cooperation

17.00 – Plenary:The destruction of democracy: the judicialization of politics and the emptying of democratic institutions and of civil and social rights;

20.00 – Dinner


Friday 12 July 2019

Morning: The feminist revolution

9.30 – Plenary:  8th of March, World Feminist Strike

11.00 – Plenary: The Care Revolution: care work and the precariousness of women

12.30 – Lunch

Afternoon: The global challenges: change the system, not the climate

14.30 – Seminars

  •  The role and proposals of the left facing climate change
  •  Policies of the European Union on the environment
  •  The role of new actors on climate change: trade unions, youth and citizen movements etc.

17.00 – Plenary: Capitalism is a predatory system with the planet and our lives

20.00 – Dinner

21.00 – Solidarity evening with Venezuela


Saturday 13 July 2019

9.30 – Plenary: The international of populists, racists, and nationalists

12.30 – Lunch

14.30 – Seminar

  • New situation in Europe after the European elections: evaluation by the Party of the European Left and proposals.
  • Violence against women
  • Conference – Debate: The crisis in the Middle East and in the Mediterranean region: open ports and a European reception plan

17.00 – Conclusions: The proposal of the European left

20.00 – Dinner

22.00 – Super evening


Sunday 14 July 2019

9-00 – 10h – 11.00 – Departures for Rome by bus to subway line A. Visit of the city from Flaminio to the Colosseum. Return with line B to the Termini station.

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