THE LEFT PARTY in parliament at Blockupy Frankfurt

Protest against the Troika and austerity politics


The blackmail against the new Greek government by the ECB and the German government clearly shows the significance of the Blockupy protest on this day of the ECB opening on March 18th and at this place in Frankfurt with the new ECB headquarter. It is the ECB which enforces austerity politics and the German minister of finance who is stirring this dynamic. Whether in Paris or Athens, in Rome or Copenhagen, in Berlin or Lübeck, thousands of people from all over Europe and Germany are saying, »Our time to act is now – solidarity with the people in Greece – against the extortion by the ECB!«

DIE LINKE. im Bundestag (the LEFT PARTY in the German Bundestag) will be present in Frankfurt on these days of protest again as in the last years and invites you to come and join us for the discussion, to visit us for information on the streets and squares in Frankfurt.

More Information: or

Hotline on the days at 0049 / 176 624 09 308


17 March 2015

in the DGB-Gewerkschaftshaus (house of the trade unions)(Wilhelm-Leuschner-Str. 69 – 77, 60329 Frankfurt am Main)

6.00 to 7.30 p.m. Panel discussion
After the election in Greece: New chances for left politics in and for Europe

Paloma Lopez, MEP GUE/NGL-Fraktion, Izquierda Unida Spain
Theano Fotiou, Deputy Minister for social solidarity, Syriza Greece (solicited)
Katja Kipping, MP in the German Bundestag and Chair of DIE LINKE

Moderation: Nicole Gohlke, MP in the German Bundestag DIE LINKE

With representatives of the new Greek government, the opposition in Spain and with members of the LEFT faction in the European Parliament, GUE/NGL (as amongst others with Eleonora Forenza) we will discuss proposals for another finance, social, and economic politics and where we see chances for a real change in and for Europe. Can we understand the events in Greece as a starting point for a resurge of left European politics? Which challenges are we facing as left forces in Europe, which tasks are laying ahead, especially for DIE LINKE. in the German Bundestag? Are there common demands we want to develop (e.g. a debt auditing conference) and enforce? Where should we start to intervene to stop the extortion by the Troika and German government on the one hand, what should we do to advance a real change of politics in and for Europe on the other hand?


18 March 2015

7 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Rally with Infopoint by the DIE LINKE. in parliament at the Danziger Platz in Frankfurter Ostend

2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Infopoint at the central Blockupy rally at the Römerberg, with speakers amongst others Sahra Wagenknecht, Naomi Klein etc.

All day long
»parliamentary protest watch«: the activist’s journey, the protest activities and the central manifestation starting at 5 p.m. from the Römerberg to the Alte Oper by various Left party members of parliament (federal, European, state).

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