The Left Theory for the 21st Century

public event organised by Nicos Poulantzas Institute in Athens

“Spοutnik Venue”


46, Keramikou street, L. Avdi square

10436 Athens, Greece


Nicos Poulantzas Institute and transform! europe invite you to a public event in Athens on the 13th of December.

Members of the Greek and the international academic community will map the schools of Left thought (philosophical, political, sociological) that are active nowadays in Europe and will try to bring them in dialogue with the current social and political experience, such as the Commons, police repression, populist discourse, the complex of neoliberal policies and the policies of security, solidarity etc.

After each session, there will be time for discussion between the speakers and the audience. The event is part of a series of public events that have been scheduled within the framework of the programme “Left Theory” with the support of transform! europe and the scientific supervision of Costas Douzinas and Michalis Bartsides

The inputs will be in English.


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