transform! europe at Left Forum 2012

transform! at the Left Forum with two seminars:

1. European Resistance to Austerity Policies – Left Alternative Strategies (Co-sponsored with the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation)

2. The Crisis and Right-Wing Populism: Europe and the US


European Resistance to Austerity Policies – Left Alternative Strategies

Ten years after the introduction of the Euro, the European Union is more divided than ever, both socially and economically.

While the common currency has in some countries, in particular Germany and Austria, led to higher economic growth and employment rates, other countries have to pay the price – economic growth in some countries comes at the expense of others. However, resistance from below is growing as well. This panel will discuss the European resistance movements and ask what can be done to stop the financial market’s impositions.

Time: Sunday, 3 pm,

Room: W615

Chair: Walter Baier, coordinator, Transform! Europe network

José Soeira, CUL:TRA – Cultures of Labour and Socialism, Portugal

George Stathakis, University of Crete

Teppo Eskelinen, Left Alliance Party, Finland


The Crisis and Right-Wing Populism: Europe and the US

We will ask who the new right is, what new dangers they represent and what prospects they have. Under what conditions does it historically gain strength? Panelists will also try and identify elements in the thinking of radical-right groups that could make some of their adherents open to a left analysis and movement. The panelists are in a position to analyze the particularities of Western and Eastern Europe and of the US and place them in comparative context.

Time: Saturday, 3 pm,

Room: E301

Chair: Teppo Eskelinen, Left Alliance Party Finland

William K. Tabb, Queens College CUNY

Abby Scher, Institute for Policy Studies

Jan Kavan, ex-Foreign Minister, Czech Republic

Walter Baier, coordinator, Transform! Europe network

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