Transnational Forum on Alternatives to Uberisation

Source: The Left (GUE/NGL)

The group of the Left in the European Parliament organises the 2nd edition of the Transnational Forum on Alternatives to Uberisation. The event will aim to better understand the current issues at European level and to highlight the voice and demands of digital platform workers.


While the European Commission is preparing a directive on digital platform workers’ rights, the forum will bring together in the European Parliament more than 100 workers, lawyers, trade unionists and experts from the uberisation of the whole European Union and beyond.

participants: tba


For further information, see the website of The Left (formerly GUE/NGL)


09:00 – 09:45


09:50 – 10:45

How to organise the response to the platforms: What international organisation in front of transnational platforms?

10:50 – 11:45

All pokemons: my boss the algorithm? The challenges of algorithmic management.

11:50 – 12:45

Platform workers and bogus self-employed: how to prevent the break-up of labour law?

12:50 – 13:00


14:00 – 17:00

Exchange time between platform workers

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