What Transition Do We Want? Climate Jobs and Just Transition

International Conference

Casa da Imprensa, Rua da Horta Seca, 20 Metro Station Baixa-Chiado

We will discuss the prospects of Just Transition and climate jobs as seen from the Global South, the similarities and differences between Just Transition and Climate Justice and, finally, we will look critically at shutdowns of power plants that have already been carried out in Portugal.


An enormous metamorphosis is taking place on a world scale. The unfolding climate crisis is close to a point of no return. Its threatening collapse is even forcing the capitalist system to adapt – even against its own will. States are pouring subsidies on fossil corporations to guarantee profits for shareholders, without demanding any safeguards for those who work in the industry nor on the cuts needed to prevent a rise in temperature above 1.5ºC by 2100. Meanwhile, fossils continue to expand in many territories.

In several countries, including Portugal, infrastructures are closed without any planning or concrete responses, and without granting workers, unions or their organisations participation in these decisions. The plan is to have no plan, and to hand over all the decisions to corporations, with minimal role for the government as handlers of financial support to shareholders, and no role for workers.

Organised by Global Climate Jobs, Empregos pelo Clima, and transform! europe


10h: Coffee

10h30 – 12h00: From Just Transition to Climate Justice; blindspots in the framework – Healthcare, Public Services, Extractivism;


14h00-15h30: Just Transition and Climate Jobs, a view from the Global South

Coffee break

16h00-18h00: Sines, Pego and Matosinhos, what transition just happened?


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