02.12.2020, 10:00
The Project of a Marxist-Feminist International
24.11.2020, 18:00
transform! europe Meeting the Left: Dimitris Tzanakopoulos
20.11.2020, 16:00
Christian-Marxist Dialogue on Achieving Ecological Ecumenism
The Future of Clean Energy
Where do we go now?
Feminism and Antifascism
03.11.2020, 16:00
From Laudato sí to Fratelli tutti
25.10.2020, 18:00
The Horizon of Black Lives Matter
20.10.2020, 19:00
transform! europe Meeting the Left: Katarina Peović
Industry 4.0 in the automotive sector
04.09.2020, 18:00
Support Art Workers
Digital Trade Rules
15.07.2020, 18:00
A Basic Income across Europe: Are you kidding me?
02.07.2020, 18:00
transform! europe Meeting the Left: Vojtěch Filip
30.06.2020, 17:00
Commons as Political Project: Commons and Just Transition in Our Times
30.06.2020, 15:00
Commons as Political Project: Transformative Social Commons
24.06.2020, 18:00
transform! europe Meeting the Left: Maurizio Acerbo
16.06.2020, 17:00
Planning for Transformation: Visions from China, Southeast Africe, and Western Europe
16.06.2020, 18:00
transform! europe Meeting the Left: Luka Mesec
11.06.2020, 11:00
Extractivism, Human Rights and ISDS: Hard Law vs. Soft Law
10.06.2020, 18:00
transform! europe Meeting the Left: Enrique Santiago
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