« De l’argent sur la valeur, pas sur la santé »

Rédigé le 16 mars, publié le 19 mars sur le site de la Confédération européenne des syndicats.

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Nous appelons les institutions européennes et les gouvernements à agir de toute urgence : notre population est étouffée par le coronavirus COVID-19, tant physiquement qu’économiquement.

Personne ne devrait avoir à choisir entre se protéger soi et ses proches ou conserver son travail et ses revenus au risque de se mettre soi-même et les autres en danger.

Nous devons agir, mais surtout agir de manière forte. Nous craignons que les outils et les fonds mis aujourd’hui sur la table par les gouvernements et les institutions de l’Union européenne ne soient pas suffisants. Même un recours maximal à la flexibilité du Pacte de stabilité et de croissance ne sera qu’une goutte dans l’océan si celui-ci ne s’accompagne pas de mesures supplémentaires. La clause d’urgence du Pacte budgétaire doit être activée.

Nous exhortons toutes les institutions financières à ne pas tirer profit de cette crise sanitaire sans précédent et ainsi éviter un choc économique. Par conséquent, nous recommandons la mise en œuvre rapide des mesures suivantes :

  • Suspendre immédiatement les bourses : après la chute sans précédent des marchés boursiers partout dans le monde, les entreprises et les travailleurs vont inévitablement être en difficulté et avoir du mal à accéder au crédit.
  • Abaisser le taux d’intérêt sur la facilité marginale de prêt de la Banque centrale européenne à 0 % ou moins (il se situe actuellement à 0,25 %), abaisser le taux des opérations principales de refinancement en dessous du taux actuel de -0,75 %, et diminuer encore davantage en négatif le taux de rémunération des dépôts (actuellement à -0,5 %) pour aider et inciter les banques à maintenir l’activité économique.
  • Donner véritablement les moyens à la Banque centrale européenne de faire « tout ce qu’il faudra », c’est-à-dire se préparer à recharger de manière illimitée les « bazookas » que sont les Opérations monétaires sur titres et l’Assouplissement quantitatif. En complément, la clé de répartition du capital de la Banque centrale européenne pourrait être temporairement mise de côté à des fins de stabilité financière, certains États membres étant davantage dans le besoin que d’autres.
  • Empêcher les institutions financières d’octroyer des prêts à des taux d’intérêt positifs tant aux États membres européens qu’aux petites et moyennes entreprises. Les PME vont soit accumuler des stocks, soit stopper leurs activités et se retrouveront dans une impasse si aucun soutien supplémentaire ne leur est apporté. Nous demandons à toutes les institutions financières, qu’il s’agisse des banques nationales de promotion économique, de la Banque européenne d’investissement ou des banques privées, de ne pas appliquer de taux d’intérêt positifs sur les prêts afin de permettre aux entreprises de trouver une issue à la crise. Si les mesures incitatives se révèlent insuffisantes, les gouvernements doivent agir par décret et/ou offrir une garantie aux niveaux national et européen.
  • Le Mécanisme européen de stabilité a un rôle à jouer dans cette crise. Nous exhortons les gouvernements à veiller à ce que le Mécanisme puisse lever des fonds à taux zéro ou négatif et prêter de l’argent aux États membres avec les mesures décrites ci-dessus. Les États membres pourraient en outre utiliser les lignes de précaution mises à disposition par le traité sur le Mécanisme européen de stabilité, mais sans conditions.
  • En outre, l’option de la monnaie hélicoptère par la Banque centrale européenne devrait être sérieusement envisagée afin de, si nécessaire, contourner un mécanisme de transmission bancaire enrayé et ainsi faire face à la baisse de l’activité économique, soutenir le revenu des travailleurs et éviter la déflation.
  • Des mesures spéciales doivent être prises pour réguler les fluctuations de prix des produits vitaux et du logement ; tout abus lié à la situation de crise doit être sévèrement condamné.

Nous devons veiller à ce que les mesures d’urgence qui doivent être mises en place aujourd’hui soient suivies de mesures plus structurelles et éclairées afin de promouvoir l’investissement et un développement économique durable. Nous devons tirer parti de la révision en cours de la gouvernance économique dans l’Union européenne lancée récemment par la Commission européenne : une révision complète du cadre budgétaire européen sur la base de principes économiques rationnels est absolument nécessaire.

Les services publics et les travailleurs des services publics font un travail incroyable pour protéger et soigner la population pendant cette crise inédite, et il est temps de leur assurer un financement durable en sévissant contre l’évasion et l’évitement fiscale. Les félicitations sont bienvenues, les financements sont nécessaires.

Il est plus que jamais évident que des transferts fiscaux, de quelque nature que ce soit, entre États membres ainsi qu’une capacité fiscale centralisée européenne émettant des actifs sûrs sont nécessaires dès maintenant, bien qu’il semble que de tels objectifs ne soient pas encore réalisables.

En fin de compte, il s’agit de contrôler démocratiquement notre système financier et de prendre les mesures nécessaires pour sauver les moyens de subsistance des citoyens ainsi que l’activité économique. Agir rapidement et de concert est la seule réponse efficace à une crise qui nous touche tous.

Nous devons agir ensemble si nous ne voulons pas tomber dans un nationalisme mesquin et clivant. Nous devons agir ensemble parce que nous sommes confrontés à la même menace et que le virus ne s’arrête pas aux frontières. Faisons preuve de solidarité, pour la liberté des peuples et pour le bien commun. Ensemble, nous sommes plus forts.

Liste des signataires

Économistes :

Dr Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, Economist, Former Danish Prime Minister, Denmark

Pr Dr Gustav Horn, Director of the Macroeconomic Policy Institute at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Germany

Pr Paul De Grauwe, Economist, London School of Economics, Belgium/UK

Lord Meghnad Desai, Economist, House of Lords, UK

Dr László Andor, Former EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, Senior Fellow, Hertie School Berlin, Hungary

Stephany Griffith-Jones, Economist, IPD Director, Columbia University, UK/USA

Pr Joerg Bibow, Economist, Skidmore College, USA

Gabrielle Siry, Specialist in Financial regulation and spokeperson of the Parti socialiste, France

Aurore Lalucq, Economist, Member of the European Parliament, Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, France

Guillaume Duval, Columnist, Alternatives économiques, France

Albert Recio, Economist, Editor of Mientras Tanto magazine, Spain

Dr Carlos Martìn Urriza, Head of Economic Department, CCOO, Spain

Pr Ozlem Onaran, Economist, Director of Greenwich Political Economy Research Centre, University of Greenwich, UK

Dr Dirk Ehnts, Economist, Technical University of Chemnitz, Germany

Dr Philipp Heimberger, Economist, Wiener Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche, Austria

Emer Pr Carlo Benetti, Economist, University of Paris Nanterre, France

Dr Jorge Fabra Utray, Economist, President of Economistas Frente a la Crisis, Spain

Pr Cecilia Castaño, Economist, UCM, First Vice-President of EFC, Spain

Antonio González González, Economist, former General Secretary for employment, Vice-President of Economistas Frente a la Crisis, Spain

Philippe Portier, National Secretary for Economic Policy, sustainable development and social dialogue, CFDT, France

Pr András Inotai, former Director General, Institute of World Economy of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary

Paul Fox, Research and Advocacy Officer, Finance Watch, Europe

Pr Luis Rubio Andrada, Applied Economics, Universidad Autónoma De Madrid, Spain

Paolo Reboani, Presidente comitato economico sociale, Fondazione Craxi

Thomas Greuse, Economist, ACV-CSC, Belgium

Dr Michael Taft, Research Officer, SIPTU Trade Union, Ireland

Dr Patrizio Lainà, Chief Economist, STTK, Finland

Dr Ana Isabel Viñas Apaolaza. Economist, UAM, UGT, Spain

Renaat Hanssen, Economist, AVC-CSC, Belgium

Dr Paul Sweeny, Chair TASC Economists Network, Ireland

Dr Sotiria Theodoropoulou, Senior researcher, ETUI, Europe

Dr Matthieu Méaulle, Economist, ETUC, Associate member, PHARE/CNRS, University Paris Nanterre, Europe/France

Pr Isabelle This Saint-Jean, Economist, University Sorbonne Paris Nord, France

Dr Philip von Brockdorff, Department of Economics, University of Malta

Dr Tom McDonnell, Co-director, NERI, Ireland

Bruno Estrada, Economist, Advisor at the Labour Ministry, Spain

Marko Subotic, Economic Policy Advisor, Union of Free Trade Unions, Montenegro

Pr Gustavo Matías, Structure and Development Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, UAM, Spain

Nathalie Lambert. Professor in Economist, France

Emer Pr Carlos Berzosa, Applied Economic, UCM, USA

Enrique Viaña, Professor of Applied Economic, UCLM, Spain

Alberto Montero Soler, Teacher of Applied Economic, Universidad de Málaga, Spain

Pr Mónica Melle Hernández, Financial Economics and member of Economistas Frente a la Crisis, Spain

Pr Juan Antonio Maroto Acín, Financial economics and accounting Universidad Complutense De Madrid, Spain

Pr Gustavo Matías Clavero, Economic Structure and Development Economics, Universidad Autónoma De Madrid, Spain

Pr Maria Emilia García Pérez, Financial Economics and Accounting, Universidad De Castilla La Mancha, Spain

Pr Gemma Carmen Fuentes Calle, Financial Economics, Universidad De Extremadura, Spain

Pr Carles Manera Erbina, Economic History, University of Illes Balears, Spain

Pr Miguel Ángel García Rubio, Applied Economics, Universidad de Granada, Spain

Dr José Molina, President of the Transparency Council of the Murcia Region. Honorary President of the Open Chair. Member of EFC, Spain

Dr Julio Rodriguez Lopez, Economist, Member of the Higher Statistics Council, former president of the Banco Hipotecario de España. EFC Board Member, Spain

Pr Juan Torres López, Professor in Economics, University of Sevilla, Spain

Gaspar Llanes Díaz-Salazar, General Coordinator of the Strategic Plan for Seville 2030. Economist, Former Secretary General Economy Junta de Andalucía 2010-2019, Spain

Linda Romele, Expert of education and employment issues, Free Trade Union Confederation of Latvia

Mārtiņš Svirskis, Economic adviser, Free Trade Union Confederation of Latvia

Nicolò Giangrande, Economist, University of Salento, Italy

Guido Ortona, Professor of economics (retired), Università del Piemonte Orientale, Italy

Markus Marterbauer, Chief economist, Chamber of Labour, Vienna, Austria

Marco Wagener, Senior economic advisor, Chambre des salaries, Vice-President of the Economic and Social Council, Luxembourg

Daniela Palma, Economist in Italian National Research Agency (ENEA), Italy

Felix Martes de Brito, Economic Advisor, Chambre des Salariés, Luxembourg

Emer Pr Raymon Tortajada, Economist, Université de Grenoble Alpes, France

Yuemei Ji, Associate Professor of Economics, University College London, UK

Zoltán Pogátsa  Economist, sociologist and university lecturer/SZEF, Hungary

Ruggero Paladini, University of Rome La Sapienza/CGIL, Italy

Philippe Frémeaux, President of l’Institut Veblen pour les réformes économiques, France  

Dr Bela Galgoczi, Senior Researcher, European Trade Union Institute

Thomas Greuse, Economist, ACV-CSC, Belgium 

Max Berre, Research Economist, Audencia Business School, France 

Chouya, Assistante de Direction, Parti Socialiste Paris, France  

Emilio Ontiveros, Presidente AFI, Spain

Jean Philippe Thomas,  Economist, ENDA International, Africa

Jonás Fernández, MEP, European Parliament, Spain 

Pr Candelaria Saiz Pastor, Department of Applied Economic Analysis, Universidad de Alicante, Spain          

Dr Juan Antonio Fernández Cordón, Economics and Demography. Economistas Frente a la Crisis, Spain 

José Moisés Martín Carretero, Economist and Consultant. Economistas Frente a la Crisis, Spain

Miguel Otero-Iglesias, Prof of International Political Economy, IE School of Global and Public Affairs, Senior Analyst at Elcano Royal Institute, Spain 

Pr Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Economic History, Universidad de Sevilla. Member of the European Parliament, Spain 

Alfonso Prieto, Economist. Member of Economistas Frente a la Crisis, Spain  

Henriette Neumann, Economist, Policy Advisor, German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB), Germany               

Universitaires :

Pr Antonio Baylos, Labour Law and Social Security, UCM, Spain

Pr Ruth Rubio, Constitutional Law, University of Seville and Board of Directors Economists facing the Crisis, Spain

Pr Margarita Barañano, Director of the Department of Applied Sociology, UCM, Spain

Pr Slavo Radosevic, Industry and Innovation Studies, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London, UK

Dr Adoración Guamán, Labour Law, Universidad de Valencia, Spain

Pr Maria Jose Romero, Labour Law and Social Security, Dean of the Faculty of Industrial Relations, UCLM, Spain

Emer Pr Joaquin Aparicio, Labor law and social work, UCLM, Spain

Pr Juan López Gandia, Law and Social Security, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain

Pr Amparo Merino, Labour Law and Social Security, Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences, university of castilla la mancha, Spain

Pr Margarita Ramos, Labour Law and Social, Universidad de La Laguna, Spain

Pr Wilfredo Sanguineti, Law and Social Security, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain

Pr Carlos Alfonso Mellado, Labour Law and Social Security, Universidad de Valencia, Spain

Pr Eva Garrido Perez, Labour Law and Social, Universidad de Cádiz, Spain

Pr Carolina Martínez Moreno, Professor of Labour Law and Social Security, Universidad de Oviedo Spain

Pr Angel PINO, Chinese Studies, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, France

Emer Pr Frédéric Lambert, Linguistic, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, France

Dr Juan Ángel Organero Gallego, Physical Chemistry, Universidad De Castilla La Mancha

Dr Véronique Rauline, English Studies, Université Nanterre, France

Pr Gilles Col, Linguistic, Université de Poitiers, France

Pr Manuel Ortega Cantero, Technologies and information systems, Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, Spain

Pr Faustino Hermoso Ruiz, Computer Languages and Systems, Universidad de Extremadura, Spain

Pr Ramon Sans Fonfría, Chemical Ingeenering, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain

Pr Benjamin Rey Sanjurjo, Agroforestry Engineering, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Pr Jaime Cabeza Pereiro, Labour Law and Social Security, Universidad de Vigo, Spain

Pr Juan Carlos Álvarez Cortés, Labour Law and Social Security, Universidad de Málaga, Spain

Pr Jesus Cruz Villalón, Labour Law and Social Security, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

Dr Amparo Serrano, Social Psychology, UCM, Spain

Pr Edurne Terradillos, Labour Law and Social Security, EHU/UPV, Spain

Pr Rafael Gomez Gordillo, Labour Law and Social Security, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Spain

Pr Francisca Ferrando, Labour Law and Social Security, Universidad de Murcia, Spain

Pr Mari Carmen López Aniorte, Labour Law and Social Security, Universidad de Murcia, Spain

Pr Eva Garrido Pérez, Labour Law and Social Security, Universidad Cádiz, Spain

Pr Antonio Oña Sicilia, Sport sciences, Universidad de Granada, Spain

Pr Roque Moreno Fonseret, Contemporary History, Universidad De Alicante, Spain

Pr José Cabezuelo Pliego, Medieval History, Universidad De Alicante, Spain

Pr Joaquín Plumet Ortega, Organic Chemistry, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

Pr Josefa Isasi Marín, Organic Chemistry, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

Pr Andres Perales Agüera, Mining Engineering, Universidad Politécnica De Cartagena, Spain

Pr José Manuel Gavilán Ibañez, Psychology, Universidad Rovira I Virgili, Spain

Pr Manuel Munuera Giner, Agricultural Engineering, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Spain

Pr Enrique Arribas Garde, Applied Physics, Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, Spain

Pr Montserrat Tesouro Cid, Pedagogy, Universidad de Girona, Spain

Pr Eulalia Guiu Puget, Pedagogy Universidad De Girona, Spain

Pr Marc Tarres Vives, Financial and Tax Law, Universidad de Barcelona, Spain

Pr Ernesto De La Cruz Sanchez, Sport Scienes, Universidad de Murcia, Spain

Pr Pedro Javier García, Computer Architecture And Technology, Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, Spain

Pr Carmelo Faleh Perez, Private Law, Universidad de Las Palmas De Gran Canaria, Spain

Pr Josep Ramon Gonzalez Castro, Mechanical Engineering, Universidad De Girona, Spain

Pr María Del Pino Dominguez Cabrera,Commercial law, Universidad de Las Palmas De Gran Canaria, Spain

Pr Pastora Calvo Hernandez, Psychology, Sociology and Social Work, Universidad de Las Palmas De Gran Canaria, Spain

Pr Nicolas Navarro Batista, Public International Law, Universidad De Las Palmas De Gran Canaria, Spain

Pr José Luis Pérez Calvo, Administrative law, Universidad de Las Palmas De Gran Canaria, Spain

Pr Riccardo Cappellin, Management and Law University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy

Salvatore Biasco, Statistics and Demography, Università La Sapienza di Roma, Italy

Pr Andrea Guazzarotti, Associato di Diritto costituzionale, Università di Ferrara, Italy

Christos Pierros, Senior Researcher Labour Institute INE-GSEE, Teaching Fellow University of Athens, Greece

Mario Noera, Bocconi University Milan, Italy

Pr Ivano Dionigi, Former Rector of the University of Bologna, President of AlmaLaurea Inter-University Consortium, Spain

Sam Hägglund, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee

Dr Delphine Sicard, Researcher, INRAE, France

Pr Melpomeni Fani, Division Head Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland

Guillaume Nicolas, Physician, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland   

Pr Simon  Lambert, Associate Professor, Cyu Cergy Paris University, France

Constanza Tobío, Professor of Sociology, Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain

Miguel Otero-Iglesias, Professor,  IE University, Spain 

Pr Manuel Villoria Mendiet, Political Science and Public Administration, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain 

Pr Javier Vidal Olivares, History and Economic Institutions, Universidad de Alicante, Spain 

Pr Adoración Carratalá Giménez, Environmental Technology, Universidad de Alicante, Spain 

Pr Pedro Boj Giménez, School of Physics, Department of Optics, Pharmacology and Anatomy, Universidad de Alicante, Spain 

Pr Ricardo García García, Professor of Ecclesiastical Law, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

Pr José Luis Sánchez Lizaso, Professor of Animal Biology, Universidad de Alicante, Spain

Santos M. Ruesga Benito, Professor, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

Javier De León Ledesma, Profesor de Economía Financiera y Contabilidad, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

Josefina Jimenez Villar, Profesora Titular de Química Inorgánica, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain

María Gómez Y Patiño, Profesora de Periodismo, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain

Miguel García Garces, Profesor de Ingeniería Industrial, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain

Maria Dolores Adsuar Fernandez, Profesora Titular de Literatura Española, Universidad de Murcia, Spain

Herenia Gutierrez Ponce, Profesora Titular de Economía Financiera y Contabilidad, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

Hector Burgos Sanchez-Capilla, Profesor de Física Aplicada, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

Jose Maria Mella Vazquez, Catedrático de Universidad de Economía Aplicada, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

Marta Serrano Coll, Profesora Agregada de Historia del Arte, Universidad Rovira i Virgili, Spain

Maria Angeles Duque Martinez, Profesora Titular de Economía Financiera y Contabilidad                              Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain

Jose Manuel García De La Cruz, Profesor Titular de Estructura Económica y Economía del Desarrollo, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

Alexis Quesada Arencibia, Profesor de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

Victor Manuel Hernandez Suarez, Catedrático de Escuela Universitaria de Análisis Matemático, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain 

Ciro Gutierrez Ascanio, Profesor de Psicología Evolutiva, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

Personnalités et organisations :

Elio Di Rupo, Ministre-Président de Wallonie, Former Prime Minister of Belgium

Sergei Stanishev, MEP, President, Party of European Socialists, Europe

Paolo Reboani, President of the Social and Economic Committee, Fondazione Craxi, Italy

Eric Andrieu, MEP, Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, Parti socialiste, France

Pierre Larrouturou, MEP, Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, Nouvelle Donne, France

Brando Benifei, MEP, Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, Europe, Italy

Erasmo Palazzoto, Italian MP, Italy

Cécilia Gondard, National Secretary for gender equality,Parti scialiste, member of the Executive Committee of PES Women, France/Europe

Maurice Braud, Member of the National Board Parti socialiste, member of the European Council on Foreign Relations, Administrator of CIFE, vice-president of the University Office of Socialist Research

Myriam El Yassa, National secretary of the Socialist Party in charge of discrimination, France

Francisco Aldecoa Luzarraga, President of the Spanish Federal Council of the European Movement, Spain

Carlos Trias Pintó, EESC Member on behalf of the Spanish Consumers Council, Europe

Éva Palócz, General Director, Kopint-Tarki Zrt, Hungary

Ann Pettifor, Author, Winner of Heinrich Boll Stiftung’s Hannah Arendt Prize, 2018, Council Member of the Progressive Economy Forum, Director of the Policy Research in Macroeconomics, UK

Oxfam, NGO

Stan Jourdan, Positive Money, NGO

Fabrice Hamaide, Chief Financial Officer, USA

Stéphane Hamaide, Group Accounting Director, France

Enrique Barón, Former President of the European Parliament, Europe

Dr. Robert Sweeney, Policy Analyst, TASC

Gabrielle Siry LLM, Specialist in Financial regulation and spokesperson of the Parti socialiste, France

Petros Fassoulas, Secretary General, European Movement International (in personal capacity)

Pierre Kanuty, Regional Concilior, Ile de France, Parti Socialiste, France

Michael Vincent, President, Greentervention, Belgium

Dominique Sicard, Biologiste Des Hopitaux, Santé, France

Sarah King, Policy Adviser, European Economic & Social Committee, Belgium

Bastien Fabre, Carpenter, France

Wouters Stéphanie, Founder, CECO Home Sharing, Belgium

J. Farat-Méaulle,  France

István Ujhelyi, MEP, S&D Group (MSZP), Hungary         

Christos Roussos, Head of Sports, Panteion University, Greece

Maisonobe, Avocat Honoraire, Barreau ee Grenoble, France

Charlotte Billingham, Senior Policy Adviser FEPS – Foundation For European Progressive Studies,            Belgium/Europe

Dr Jouk Jarry Sylvie, Medical Dr, Liberal doctor, France

Kira Marie Peter-Hansen, MEP, European Parliament, Denmark

Gabriele Bischoff, MEP, S&D, Germany

Manuel Pizarro, MEP, European Parliament, Portugal       

Livia Jourdain, Political Advisor, S&D Group in the European Parliament, Belgium                                     

Negrescu Victor, MEP, European Parliament, Romania     

Éric Andrieu, MEP, Député européen, Parlement européen, France                            

Rovana Plumb, MEP, Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, Social Democratic Party, European Parliament, Romania                            

Istvàn Ujhelyi, MEP, S&D group (MSZP), Hungary             

Alex Agius Saliba, MEP, European Parliament, Malta       

Nikolaj Villumsen, MEP, Red-Green Alliance – Enhedslisten, Denmark                           

Sylvie Guillaume,  MEP, European Parliament, France       

Reding Jean-Claude, Vice-président, Chambre des salariés du Luxembourg, Luxembourg                            

Lola Sanjuán, Social entrepreneur and feminist leader, AMECOOP – Association of Women Entrepreneurs in Cooperatives (Andalucía, Spain), Spain                            

Milan Brglez, MEP, European Parliament, Slovenia                                     

Evelyn Regner, MEP, European Parliament, Austria           

Pierfrancesco Majorino, MEP, Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament – Partito Democratico, Italy 

Maria Arena, MEP, European Parliament, Belgique                       

Ernest Urtasun, MEP, Catalunya en Comú, European Parliament, Spain                        

Idoia Villanueva Ruiz, MEP, GUE-NGL, European Parliament, Spain                        

Alexis Georgoulis, Actor, MEP, European Parliament, Greece                     

Alfred Sant, MEP, European Parliament, Malta                          

Andreas Schieder, MEP, European Parliament, Austria  

Manuel Escudero Zamora, Secretary for Economic Policy and Employment, Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE), Spain

Alícia Homs Ginel, MEP, European Parliament, Spain

Maria Eugenia Rodriguez Palop, MEP, European Parliament, Spain

Helmut Scholz, MEP, European Parliament, GUE/NGL group, Delegation DIE LINKE, Germany

Glucksmann Raphaël, MEP, European Parliament, France                            

Lina Galvez Muñoz, Eurodiputada y Catedratica de Historia Economica, Parlamento Europeo, Spain

Manon Aubry, MEP, Co-president of the GUE/NGL Group, France   

Elisabetta Gualmini, MEP, European Parliament, Italy 

Eva Kaili, MEP, European Parliament, Greece

Klára Dobrev, MEP, European Parliament, Hungary    

Patrick Maurey, Directeur d’école, Syndicat des Enseignants UNSA, France               

Dirigeants syndicaux et syndicalistes :

Isabel Cano Aguilar, Vice-President European Economic and Social Committee, UGT, Spain

Nora Back, President, OGBL, Luxemburg

Carmelo Barbagallo, General Secretary, UIL, Italy

Laurent Berger, President, ETUC, General Secretary, CFDT, France

Pierpaolo Bombardieri, Deputy General Secretary, UIL, Italy

Leonard Brascu, President, CNSLR-FRATIA, Romania

Zeljko Buric, President of Trade Union of Telecommunication of Montenegro

Victor Carachi, President, GWU, Malta

Liina Carr, Confederal Secretary, ETUC 

Nicola Cicala, FISAC, CGIL, Italy

Rudy De Leeuw, former President ETUC and ABVV/FGTB, Belgium

Javier Doz, EESC member, ECO Section, Deputy to the General Secretary of CCOO, Spain

Cristina Faciaben, Confederal Secretary for International and Cooperation, CCOO, Spain

Susan Flocken, European Director, ETUCE, Europe

Annamaria Furlan, General Secretary CISL, Italy

Jesus Gallego Garcia, Secretary for International policy, UGT, Spain

Jan Willem Goudriaan, General Secretary, EPSU, Europe

Károly György, International secretary at Trade Union Confederation MASZSZ, Hungary

Per Hilmersson, Deputy General Secretary, ETUC 

Sylvain Hoffmann, Director of Chambre des salariés, Luxemburg

Srdja Kekovic, Secretary General, Union of Free Trade Unions of Montenegro

Marc Leemans, President, ACV-CSC Union, Belgium

Vesna Milonjic Aleksic, President of Trade Union of Commerce Workers, Montenegro

Mette Nord, President, EPSU, Europe

Mladen Novosel, President, SSSH, Croatia

Sandra Obradovic, President, Trade Union of Metal Workers, Montenegro

Yvan Ricordeau , Nation Secretary for european and international policy, CFDT, France

André Roeltgen, former President, OGBL, Luxemburg

Borislav Pavlovic, President of Craft Union of Taxi Drivers of Montenegro

Bojana Percan, Executive Secretary for City of Zagreb, Commercial Trade Union, Croatia

Andrzej Radzikowski, President, OPZZ, Poland

Oliver Röpke, President of the EESC Workers’ group, Europe

Fernando Rocha Sánchez,Director of Studies and Projects, Fundación 1 de Mayo, CCOO, Spain

Dr.oec. Linda Romele, Expert of education and employment issues, LBAS, Latvia

Isabelle Schömann, Confederal Secretary, ETUC 

Marie-Hélène Ska, General Secretary, ACV-CSC, Belgium

Unai Sordo General Secretary, CCOO, Spain

Josef Stredula, President, CMKOS, Czech Republic

Pepe Alvarez Suarez, General Secretary, UGT, Spain

Mārtiņš Svirskis Economic adviser, LBAS, Latvia 

Miranda Ulens, General Secretary, FGTB-ABVV, Belgium

Robert Vertenueil, President FGTB-ABVV, Belgium

Luca Visentini, General Secretary, ETUC

Ludovic Voet, Confederal Secretary, ETUC 

Vukasin Zogovic, President, Trade union of University of Montenegro

Nunzia Sabatino, accountant, ETUC, BELGIUM      

Fontaine David, Manager, Clear Channel, Belgique

Hans-Erik Skjæggerud, Vice President, YS, Norway

Livia Spera, General Secretary, European Transport Workers Federation, Belgium  

Eline Neerinckx, Administrative Secretary, ETF       

Wolfgang Katzian, President, Austrian Trade Union Federation (ÖGB), Austria

Estelle Arnette Brentnall, Head of Maritime, ETF

Lukas Krupitza, Vice President, kapers Cabin Crew Union, Switzerland

De Wasseige, Finance Manager, ETF

Inga-Lena Heinisch, Political assistant road transport and gender equality, European Transport Workers’ Federation

Emirali Karadoğan, Advisor, Tez-Koop-İş Union, Turkey

Josef Maurer,  Head of Aviation and Operations, European Transport Workers’ Federation

Tanja Trost, Advisor, EVG, Germany

Luc Triangle, General Secretary, IndustriAll Europe

Cristina Tilling, Political Secretary for Road Transport, ETF

Berardina Tommasi, Policy Officer for Dockers, ETF

Joris kerkhofs, Nationaal secretaries, ACV-Transcom, Belgium

Bobby Morton, National Officer, Unite the Union, United Kingdom

Santiago González Vallejo, Adjunto secretaría internacional, USO, Spain

Jeroen Wijers, European Affairs Secretary, CNV professionals, The Netherlands    

Ann Ryan, Administration, Dublin Bus, Ireland, Trade Union

Katarina, Vice-president, Railway Workers’ Trade Union, Croatia   

Karan O Loughlin, Trade Union Organiser, SIPTU, Ireland  Trade Union

Beate Schneider, Checkin Agent, verDi, Germany

Üllar Kallas, Chairman of the board, Transport and Road Workers’ Trade Union, Estonia

Salis Madinier, Member EESC, CFDT, France

Claude Lambrechts, Secrétaire Nationale CNE/CSC, Belgium

Steven White, Secretary nw680 branch Liverpool taxi, Unite, United Kingdom

Thomas Kattnig, Trade Unionist Younion Die Daseinsgewerkschaft, Austria

Joe Magill, Docker Unite The Union, Northern Ireland

Mladen Jovičič, Union Representative Port Of Koper, Slovenia

Tjitze Van Rijssel, Negotiator For The Carriage Of Goods, CNV Vakmensen, The Netherlands

Gary Punton, Dock Worker, OCS, England         

Oleg Grygoriuk, Chairman, LBSTUS, Ukraine

Jose Antonio Moreno Diaz, Fundamental Rights & Rule Of Law Group President, EESC, Spain 

Ballestero François, Project Consultant, European Transport Workers’ Federation, Belgium 

Taj Salam, PCV Driver, Unite the Union, United Kingdom

Elena Frandes, President, Sindicatul Lucratorilor Din Transporturi (SLT), Romania

Enzo Merlini, Confederal Secretary, Confederazione Sammarinese Del Lavoro (San Marino Trade Union), San Marino

Sebastien Gricourt, Adviser,  Parti Socialiste, France

Cevdet, International Relationship and Education Secretary, Turkish Trade Union Federation (Turk-Sen), Cyprus

Trond Jensrud, Secretary General, Yrkestrafikkforbundet, Norway

Myriam Coulet, Secrétaire Fédérale, Force Ouvrière, France

Bir Juliane, Head of Trade Union Policy, ETUC, Belgium

Alex Martin, Head of Projects, ETUC, Belgium

Joaquin Perez Da Silva, Secretary General, USO, Spain

Dr Florence Meaulle, Neurologue, Libéral, France

Emilija Grujic, Programme Coordinator, ETUC/Regional Trade Union Council "Solidarnost", Serbia

Pierre Yves Meaulle, Surgeon, UMG Grenoble, France

Sinéad Tiernan, Head of HR, ETUC, Belgium

Brian Whytock, Bus Driver, Trade Union, UK

W. Warneck, Senior Policy, Officer Civil Aviation, ETF, Belgium

Kresimir Sever, President, NHS – Independent Trade Unions of Croatia, Croatia

Stephen Cotton, General Secretary, LTF, United Kingdom

Ruairi Fitzgerald, Advisor, ETUC, Belgium

Jessica, Cabin Crew, Tuifly Belgium, Belgium

Erik Maes, Organiser, BTB-ABVV, Belgium

Marijana Camovic, President, Trade UnionoOf Media of Montenegro, Montenegro

Giorgio Tuti, President, Sev Transport Worker Union, Switzerland

Catarina Tavares, International Secretary, UGT-P, Portugal

Arnaud Michel, Unionist / First-Officer CGT Pilotes, France

Jung Jeannot, Bus Driver, OGBL-ACAL, Luxembourg

Juha Ollas, Trade Union Officer, AKT, Finland

Antoaneta Stoimenova, Expert UPT, FTTIUB, Bulgaria

Willem Dijkhuizen, Bestuurder, FNV Transport & Logistiek, The Netherlands

Bellanger, Psychomotricienne, Sante, France

Emmanuella Yetna, Administrative Assistant, ETUC, Belgium

Elena Emeric, Psicóloga, Cruz Roja, Spain

Sébastien Flageollet, Sr Manager- Strategy Consulting, Deloitte, The Netherlands

Silvana Francken Belfi, Personal Planner, Dutch Railways, The Netherlands

Renaud Nicolas, Electronic Engineer, Stmicroelectronics, France

Christine Behle, Gewerkschaftssekretärin, Ver.Di Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft, Germany

Myriam Chaffart, Policy Officer for Inland Waterways Transport and EWC’s, European Transport Workers’ Federation, Belgium

Christer Norfall, Coordinator, Nordic Transport Worker´ Federation, Sweden

Laurent Escure, Secrétaire Général, UNSA (Union Nationale Des Syndicats Autonomes), France

Rachel Brishoual, Secrétaire Nationale Europe-International, UNSA (Union Nationale Des Syndicats Autonomes, France

Mira Ball, Union Official, Ver.Di – United Services Union, Germany

Dr Adam Rogalewski, Director International Department, OPZZ, Poland 

Marija Hanzevacki, General Secretary, NHS – Independent Trade Unions of Croatia, Croatia

Salis Madinier, EESC Brussesl, CFDT, France

Claude Lambrechts, Secrétaire Nationale, CNE/CSC, Belgium

Susanne Rogers, Head of Administration, ITF, UK

Tom Deleu, General Secretary, European Federation Of Building And Woodworker, Belgium   

Monica A Paulsen, President In Negotia and 2 Vice President In YS, Negotia and YS, Norway 

Lidija Jerkič, President, Zveza Svobodnih Sindikatov Slovenije, Slovenia       

Giovansili, Instructor, CFPPA  Saint-ismier, France

Aleš Golja, Generalni Sekretar, Sindikat upokojencev Slovenije, Slovenia

Georgi Todorov, Secretary of STU, Bulgaria Seafarers’ Trade Union, Bulgaria

Siciliano Agostino, Segretario generale, FERPA, Belgium

Tea Jarc, President, Sindikat Mladi plus, Slovenia

Maja Konjar, General Secretary, Trade Union of financial organisations of Slovenija, Slovenia

Sigi Langenbahn, President, Liechtenstein Workers Association LANV, Liechtenstein

Danilo Zorko, President, Trade Union of Financial Organization Workers of Slovenia – SFOS, Slovenia

Dumitru Costin, President, Blocul National Sindical, Romania

Jana Kanadić, Administrator, SUC, Croatia

Ion Rădoi, President, Federation of ATU Romania, Romania 

Emilie Trigo, Secrétaire nationale, UNSA, France                                      

David Martinez, Vice President Cabin Crew Union, kapers Cabin Crew Union, Switzerland

Lander Vander Linden, Adviser, ABVV-FGTB, Belgium

Andrzej Adamczyk, retired, former Head of International Department, NSZZ "Solidarność", Poland

Lorenzo Repetti, Advisor, ETUC, Belgium    

Inghels N, IT, ETUC, Belgium                                      

Edgardo Maria Iozia, Former President Uni Europa Finance, UIL, Italy   

Van Keirsbilck Felipe, Gen Secretary, CNE CSC, Belgium     

Philippe Defeyt, Chairman, Institut pour un Développement Durable, Belgium

David Švarc, Secretary Generale, Trade union of professional firefighters of Slovenia, Slovenia     

Jean-Luc Mercier, Trade Union General Secretary, SPECIS – Affiliated to the French UNSA, France 

Mirsad Begić, Predsednik, Svobodni sindikat Slovenije (ZSSS), Slovenia 

Jaine Peacock, Bus driver/Unite’s women’s representatives, Transport, UK   

Sara Tripodi, Segretario generale Filt CGIL Monza e Brianza, Filt CGIL, Italy 

Frederic Marchand, Secrétaire général, UNSA Éducation, France

Jennifer Gregoire, Administrative assistant, ETUC, Belgium

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