« Penser avec Marx aujourd’hui »

Une conférence internationale pour le bicentenaire de la naissance de Karl Marx aura lieu à Madrid du 4 au 6 octobre 2018. Envoyez vos contributions d’ici le 1er mai.

Pour le bicentenaire de la naissance de Karl Marx, ses partisans comme ses détracteurs ou bien ceux qui restent neutres à son égard sont d’accord pour reconnaître qu’il est sans doute un des penseurs de la politique et du social les plus influents de l’histoire. 

Marx se distingue non seulement pour avoir été un activiste politique de premier plan mais également un éminent économiste, un historien distingué de l’économie, de la technologie, de la science et de la politique ainsi qu’un philosophe original, un polémiste et un journaliste engagé.  

Dans son travail intellectuel, le projet de Marx était extrêmement ambitieux et presque sans précédent dans l’histoire des idées : établir une philosophie de l’histoire, basée sur une fondation scientifique solide qui permette le diagnostic des errements du capitalisme, diagnostic duquel on puisse tirer des recommandations pragmatiques pour des politiques révolutionnaires.

Personne ne devrait ignorer l’importance de sa pensée, il est impératif de reconsidérer la figure de Karl Marx par le prisme de l’actualité de sa pertinence, afin de comprendre les défis du monde global, dix ans après la crise de 2008. 

Pour les deux cent ans de sa naissance, la Fondation pour les Etudes Marxistes (FIM), la Fondation pour une Europe des Citoyens (FEC) et le réseau transform !, avec la collaboration de l’Université Complutense de Madrid (UCM) organiseront une conférence internationale dédiée à l’étude  du travail de Marx et son influence sur la science et les politiques contemporaines.

Organisateurs: Foundation for Marxist Studies (FIM), Foundation for a Europe of the Citizens (FEC), and transform! europe

Collaborateurs: Complutense University of Madrid (UCM)

Avec le soutien de: Euro-Mediterranean University Institute (EMUI) of the UCM and Rosa Luxemburg Foundation

Conference website: www.pensarconmarxhoy.org 

Central Concepts of the Conference

Proposals for communications related to any of the following areas will be accepted in Spanish or in English.

Philosophical Focus

Coordinators: Antonio Antón, Thought Division of the FIM; Manuel Aragües, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Zaragoza; Francisco José Martínez, Professor of Philosophy at the UNED; José Sarrión, Professor of Philosophy at the Pontifical University of Salamanca.

Political Economy Focus

Coordinators: Xabier Arrizabalo, Professor of Economics at the UCM; Jorge Fonseca, Professor of Economics at the UCM; Javier Murillo, Professor of Economics at the UCM; Juan Manuel Ramírez, Professor of Economics at the UCM; Mario del Rosal, Professor of Economics at the UCM.

Historical Focus

Coordinators: Francisco Erice, Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Oviedo and Julián Sanz, Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Valencia.

Production of Space Focus

City, Territory, and Power. Coordinators: Teresa Arenillas, architect and Head of the Urbanism Division of the FIM.

Communication and Culture Focus

Coordinators: Francisco Sierra, Professor of Communication Sciences at the US, and Javier Moreno, Professor of Communication Sciences at the UC3M.

Literature and Marxism Focus

Coordinators: David Becerra, Professor of Literature at the Catholic Univercity of Louvain (UCL) and Constantino Bértolo, Editor.

Science and Technology Focus

Coordinators: Emilio Criado, Researcher at the CSIC; Carmen Olalla Domínguez Godinez, Professor at the faculty of Optics and Optometry at the UCM; Alicia Durán, Researcher at the CSIC and member of the Dean´s Council of the CSIC.

State, Politics, and Society Focus

Coorinators: Fernando Harto de Vera, Professor of Political Science at the UCM; Cesar Rendueles, Professor of Sociology at the UCM; María Eugenia Rogríguez Palop, Professor of Political Philosophy at the IC3M.

Marx and Sociology Focus

Coordinators: Jaime Aja, Professor of Sociology at the University of Córdoba; Pablo López Calle, Professor of Sociology at the UCM; Begoña Marugán, Professor of Sociology at the UC3M.

Marx and Psychology Focus

Coordination: Ignacio Castien, Professor of Phychology at the UCM; Ana Lledó, Professor of Psychology at the University of Miguel Hernández; Patricia García, Professor of Psychology at the University of Málaga; Macarena Vallejo, Professor of Psychology at the Uinversity of Málaga.

Marx and Education Focus

Coordination: Rocío Anguita, Professor of Education at the University of Valladolid; Enrique Javier Díez Gutiérrez, Professor of Education at the University of León y Loles Dolz, Professor of Education.

Marx and Imperialism and Geopolitics Focus

Coordination: Heriberto Cairo, Professor of Political Science and Sociology at the UCM; Jaime Pastor, Professor of Political Science at the UNED; Eduardo Sánchez, Professor of Political Science at the UCM.

Marx and Latin America Focus

Coordination: Marcos Roitman, Professor of Sociology at the UCM.

Marx and Ecology Focus

Coordination: Carmen Madorrán, Professor of Philosophy at the Autonomous University of Madrid.

Marx and Human Rights

Coordination: Rafael Escudero, Professor of Philosophy of law at the Carlos III University of Madrid.

In shorty, every focus group will make public an abstract or summary, an illustrative consideration of the topics that will serve to present the proposed communications.

Scientific Committee

Antonio Baylos, Professor of Law at the UCLM; Carlos Berzosa, former Dean of the UCM and Emeritus Professor of Economics at the UCM; Juan Ramón Capella, Emeritus Professor of Law at the UB; Juan José Castillo, Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the UCM; Alicia Durán, Researcher at the CSIC and member of the Dean´s Council of the CSIC; Josep Fontana, Professor of History at the UPF; Montserrat Galcerán, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the UCM; Elena Hernández Sandoica, Professor of History at the UCM; Florencio Jiménez Burillo, Emeritus Professor of Psychology at the UCM; Pedro Marset, Emeritus Professor of Medicine at the UM; José Luis Martín Ramos, Professor of History at the UAB; Román Reyes, Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the UCM; Juaquín Sempere, Professor of Sociology at the UB; Juan Trías, Emeritus Professor of Political Science and Sociology at the UCM.

Organizing Committee

Jaime Aja (UCO), Teresa Arenillas (FIM), David Becerra (Universidad Catholique de Louvain), Ignacio Castien (UCM), Enrique Díez (UL), Carmen Domínguez (UCM), Marga Ferré (FEC), Fernando Harto de Vera (UCM), José Daniel Lacalle (FIM), Francisco José Martínez (UNED), Javier Moreno (UC3M), Juan Manuel Ramírez Cendrero (UCM), Eduardo Sánchez Iglesias (UCM), Francisco Sierra (US), Julián Sanz (UV).

Job Submission

Guidelines and Calendar for Sending Communications

The proposals for communications will be adjusted to the following calendar of deadlines:

·       Sending of summaries of the communications: 1 May, 2018.

·       Approval of the summaries: 1 June, 2018.

·       Sending of the complete texts of the communications: 1 September, 2018.

For formal guidelines for the Summaries and Communications please refer to: www.pensarconmarxhoy.org/en/job-submission/

The texts must be sent in the .doc format to the Conference at: ponencias@pensarconmarxhoy.org


Place of the Congress: Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM).

Formalization of registration and fees: All participants in the Congress as communicators must formalize their registration before 15 September. The registration fee is 50 euros teaching staff, 20 euros communication of students or researchers without income and 20 euros assistants with the right to a certificate. Bank transfer in favour of the FIM, ES68 0075 0446 410600021247.

It offers the possibility – dependent confirmation – of validating the assistance for 2 ECTS credits at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM).


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