Transform ! europe à Florence 10 + 10

L’assemblée est structurée autour de cinq grands domaines thématiques:

1) Démocratie…

2) Finance / dette / austérité,

3) Droit du travail et droits sociaux,

4) Les biens communs et les services publics,

5) L’Europe dans la Méditerranée et dans le monde

Le texte d’invitation précise deux objectifs principaux : «premièrement, donner une réponse commune – unissant leurs forces sociales au niveau européen – à la crise et aux politiques imposées par les institutions de l’UE et de la BCE, d’autre part, la création d’alliances pour une stratégie à long terme qui permettra de construire l’Europe sociale, l’Europe des citoyens européens. "

En outre, l’invitation indique d’autres objectifs de l’assemblée : «La présence de participants venus d’horizons différents, tels que les réseaux, les mouvements, les syndicats, les associations et les ONG de divers lieux et de composition diverse doit être interprétée comme la recherche de convergences et une effort commun vers une mobilisation anti-libérale forte large, qui sera une alternative à l’Europe des banquiers Europe, à la suprématie du marché, aux spéculations financières et au Pacte budgétaire ».

Transform ! L’Europe a proposé cinq séminaires pour l’axe "démocratie" avec les titres suivants:

The Extreme Right: How to Fight Antidemocrats Democratically. Challenges, Possibilities, Limits

9 November, 14:00 – 18:00

We want to discuss the following four questions:

1.  How can we explain the increasing influence of Right and extreme Right parties in the European Countries?

2.  What is new concerning the extreme right and what does it mean?

3.  Which conclusions from the experiences in the struggle against the extreme Right in different countries can be drawn for our strategy?

4.  What kind of antifascist actions is needed? What does a European antifascist approach mean? Which are the consequences for our organization forms and practices?

Speakers: Fritz Burschel, Yorgos Mitralias, Athanasios Kourkoulas, Sonia Mitralias, Julia Ostrovskaia, Sia Anagnostopoulou, Nadezhda Prusenkova, Matyas Benyik, Hermann Dworzak, Elisabeth Gauthier, Mirek Prokes, Cristina Asensi, etc.

Proponents: Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, transform! europe, Prague Spring Network

Languages: EN

Category: Democracy in Europe 

Venue: Lorenese 1


Unions against the Austerity Measures

9 November, 09:00 – 11:00

Proponents: Transform! Italia, Espaces Marx, transform! europe

Languages: IT, EN

Category: Democracy in Europe 

Venue: Lorenese 3


How to Found Europe Anew? – Which Construction? Which Political Strategy?

9 November, 14:00 – 16:00

Speakers: Pierre Laurent, France (Chairperson of the EL), Maite Mola, Spain (Vice-Chairperson of the EL), Paolo Ferrero, Italy, Franco Russo (Transform! Italia, former Deputy of the Italian Parliament), Gianni Rinaldini (former General Secretary of FIO-CGIL), Karoly György (International Secretary of the Hungarian Trade Union Confederation MSOSZ), and Walter Baier (Co-ordinator of transform! europe)

Proponents: transform! europe, Transform! Italia, Espaces Marx

Languages: IT, EN, FR

Category: Democracy in Europe 

Venue: Ronda


Meeting of Economists Networks on Another Economic Policy for Europe

9 November, 09:00 – 13:00

Workshop gathering European networks of economists, experts, think tanks that have developed critical analyses of current European economic policies and are working on alternatives on the Euro, monetary and fiscal policies, sustainable growth and labour. The main event takes place on Friday, 9 November, 9:00-13:00. The meeting will continue on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning.

Speakers: Susan George, Trevor Evans, Dany Lang, Mireille Bruyère, Frédréric Boccara, Henri Sterdyniak, Judith Dellheim, Luis Buendia, Hilary Wainwright, Felipe van Keirsbilck, Giulio Marcon, Roberta Carlini, Guglielmo Ragozzino, Grazia Naletto, Mario Pianta, Claudio Gnesutta, Vincenzo Comito, Maurizio Franzini, Guido Ortona, Claudio Riccio, Andrea Baranes, Monica Di Sisto, and many others

Haris Golemis, Elena Papadopoulou, Steffen Lehndorff, Walter Baier and Elisabeth Gauthier will participate on behalf of transform! europe.

Proponents: Lunaria-Sbilanciamoci!, Another Road for Europe, Économistes Atterrés, EuroMemorandum

Languages: IT, EN, FR

Category: Democracy in Europe

Venue: Ronda


9 November, 14:00 – 18:00 and 10 November, 09:00 – 13:00

Venue: Arco


1914 to 2014: One hundred Years First World War – Create Peace without Weapons

10 November, 11:00 – 13:00

Proponents: International Network of Engineers and Scientists (INES), International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms (IALANA), transform! europe

Languages: EN

Category: Europe and the World – peace/struggles

Venue: Lorenese 1


Coping with the Challenge posed by the Crisis – A Dialogue between Social Movements and Political Actors

10 November, 14:00 – 16:00

Trade unions, social and ecological movements and NGOs try to enhance the efficiency in the fight for a democratic, social and ecological Europe. How does this relate to politics? The Alter Summit is led by the social movements, but at the same time the support of political forces which agree with its demands is welcome. Political actors are invited to join in the fight if they share the fundamental analysis of the “call” for the Alter-Summit (

Speakers: Speaker of SYRIZA, Greece, Political Personalities from SP and the Greens (tbc), Vittorio Agnoletto, Italy (former Spokesperson of Genoa 2002) and speakers of Trade Unions, social movements and of transform! europe

Proponents: transform! europe, Transform! Italia, Espaces Marx

Languages: IT, EN, FR

Category: Democracy in Europe

Venue: Ronda


“From Firenze to Athens … And everywhere!”

Public Launch of the Alter Summit’s program of mobilizations

10 November, 16:00 – 18:00

Proponents: Alter Summit

Languages: IT, EN, FR, SP, GR

Category: Democracy in Europe

Venue: Ronda

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