Commons as Political Project: Commons and Just Transition in Our Times


Andrey Popov /

The transform! europe Commons Working Group at the World Social Forum of Transformative Economies (Transformadora).


The impact of the pandemic on the globalized economy seems on the one hand to highlight the obligation of another development model that is closer to people’s needs and the defense of biodiversity and the environment, on the other hand, the the process of “economic recovery” in which companies and multinationals are pushing, contradicts those needs and risks accelerating the social and environmental contradictions in which we live.

Hilary Wainright, co-editor at the British new left magazine Red Pepper and research fellow of the Transnational Institute (TNI), Amsterdam. Her numerous books include Public Service Reform: But Not As We Know It!, Reclaim the State: Experiments in Popular Democracy, and Arguments for a New Left: Answering the Free Market Right.

Judith Dellheim, reached her PHD in political economy, is a fellow at the Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation’s Institute for Critical Social Analysis and a member of the Steering Committee of the EuroMemo Group and a contributor to the Sustainable Europe Research Institute SERI Germany e.V. She brings experiences from various areas and phases of activity to the movement for transformative economics: e.g. from teaching and research, her work as a price economist in the GDR’s foreign trade, various projects in the solidarity economy and research, political consulting as a freelancer and employee of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation, etc. She has a large number of scientific and political publications to her credit.

Dario Azzellini, visiting scholar Latin American Studies Program, Cornell University, Ithaca (US), academic and activist. He has published more than 20 books, numerous other writings and 11 documentary films in the areas of critical labour studies and global social change with a special focus on Latin America and Europe.

Birgit Daiber
, as Member of the European Parliament (MEP), Director of the European Office of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation in Brussels, coordinator of transatlantic and international projects and as an expert for social urban development, she has been involved for over decades in the building of a social and ecological Europe. Daiber is author and publisher of a number of books and articles on European and international issues. The overcoming of the Eurocrisis and the development of European democracy, the common good of humanity, gender-oriented civil conflict prevention and intercultural dialogue strategies are in the focus of her present attention.


For further information, see the Transformadora website.

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