Desobedoc Film Festival 2022 Edition: Desobedoc is now!

Cinema Trindade
Rua do Almada 412
4050-034 Porto

This year Desobedoc returns to Cinema Trindade (Porto) in full force to celebrate freedom to think and act through the insubordination that summons us.


Between the 22nd and 25th April begins the marathon celebrations of the 50 years of the revolution that will run until 2026.
The last edition of Desobedoc insubmissive film festival was held in 2019, an online version was held in 2020 and in 2021, Desobedoc was absent.

This year, under the theme of the “beginning of the end” of the regime, the programme will address the anti-fascist struggles (student, workers, housing, women’s, health, political), the colonial war and the anti-colonial struggle (including desertion), with particular focus on the political cycle that began in 1972, and also current for the reflection of the political situation today.

The Festival is co-hosted by transform! europe and Bloco de Esquerda.

For further reading:


Friday, 22 April

18:30 (WEST): Opening session

19:00 (WEST):

Africa 50 by René Vautier
France, 1950, 18’

Salut et Fraternité by Oriane Brun-Moschetti
France, 2015, 67’

Commented byOlivier Neveux and Amarante Abramovici

22:00 (WEST):

Elas também estiveram lá by Joana Craveiro
Portugal, 2021, 105’

00:00 (WEST):

JOSEP by Aurel
France, 2020, 80′

00:30 (WEST):

A Foto Rasgada by José Vieira
France, 2005, 52′

As Canções do Desertor by José Vieira
France, 2005, 27′

Commented by Miguel Cardina

Saturday, 23 April

14:30 (WEST):

Operação Angola: fugir para lutar by Diana Andringa
Portugal, 2015, 119′

18:00 (WEST):

Dom Roberto by Ernesto de Sousa
Portugal, 1962, 102′

21:30 (WEST): Sarah Maldoror Session

Monangambé by Sarah Maldoror
Argelia, 1969, 18′

Sambizanga by Sarah Maldoror
France/Angola, 1973, 102′

Commented by Annouchka Andrade

00:00 (WEST): Sala Três Marias

O teu nome é by Paulo Patrício
Portugal, 2020, 25′

00:30 (WEST):

Memórias de uma falsificadora by Catarina Requeijo
Co-production with São Luiz Teatro Municipal and Museu do Aljube Resistência e Liberdade
Portugal, 2021, 60′

Commented by Manuela Juncal

Sunday, 24 April

15:00 (WEST): Remebering Miguel Portas

with Catarina Martins, Marisa Matias, José Manuel Pureza and Luísa Teotónio Pereira

Life is waiting: Referendum and Resistance in Western Sahara Ocidental by Iara Lee
Sahara Ocidental/USA, 2015, 59’

18:00 (WEST): Sala Miguel Portas

Visões do Império by Joana Pontes
Portugal, 2020, 93’

21:30 (WEST): Sala Miguel Portas

Direito à Memória by Rúben Sevivas
Portugal, 2019, 9’

O çul verão by Amarante Abramovici, Regina Guimarães andTiago Afonso
Portugal, 2005, 45’

with Rúben Sevivas and Tiago Afonso

00:00 (WEST): Aliados Avenue

Grândola in the Allies

Monday, 25 April

10:30 (WEST): Desobedoquinho (Little Desobedoc)

Session for children aged from 3 to 8 years old (47′)

Pen Point Percussion by Norman McLaren 1951, 5’58
Bolek i Lolek na wakacjiach “Morska przygoda” (Aventura no mar) by  Wladyslaw Nehrebecki  1966, 9’15
Josué e o Pé de Macaxeira  by  Diogo Viegas 2009, 11’56
Mobile (Animation) by Verena Fels  2010, 6’25
La Maison en Petits Cubes by  Kunio Kato 2008, 12’03

10:30 (WEST): Desobedoquinho (Little Desobedoc)
Session for children aged from
9 to 12 years old (56′)

I’m Hereby  Spike Jonze 2010, 31’47
Vincentby  Tim Burton 1982, 5’53
Danny Boy | Future Shorts by  Marka Skrobeckiego 2010, 10’18
Un Oeuf Is Enough by Federico Vitali 1996, 3’34
Houston… We Have A Problem by Federico Vitali 1996, 3’13

17:00 (WEST):

Guerrilla Grannies by Ike Bertels
Holland, 2013, 80’

Commented by Ike Bertels

19:00 (WEST):

Behind the lines by Margaret Dickinson
United Kingdom, 1971, 53’

Commented by Kitty Furtado

21:30 (WEST): Sala Miguel Portas

The Battle of Algiers by Gillo Pontecorvo
Italy/Argelia, 1966, 132’

Commented by Jorge Campos

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