“Oxi! Basta! Enough! – Build another Europe!”

Marches of Dignity

Brussels etc.

Call to all organizations and movements sharing our motto to integrate the action framework, contribute to our program and join us for the European Marches and in Brussels on 15, 16 and 17 October.


“Oxi! Basta! Enough! – Build another Europe!”

NO to austerity policies, poverty, TTIP, racism and corruption
YES to solidarity beyond borders

Arrival of the European Marches and Days of Action

15, 16 and 17 October in Brussels & Namur


The people said Oxi! No! in Greece. A No! to the cruel and unreasonable demands of austerity and consequent impoverishment. Throughout Europe, hundreds of thousands were in the streets supporting the Greek people – knowing that defending the Greek struggles also means defending our rights all over Europe.

The European elites, in the name of profit and competitiveness, destroy social justice, democracy, climate and use Europe as a playing field for their own interests. They blackmail and humiliate those who dare to resist; they rule with fear, nationalism, racist division and claim that there are no alternatives.

But we build alternatives through our various and cross-linked struggles.

Let’s develop our solidarity beyond borders, our strength in this European-wide Oxi! Basta! Enough! Let’s build another Europe now!

  • Because austerity and debt impoverish us and destroy our social, labour and democratic rights
  • Because we refuse poverty and precariousness
  • Because free-trade agreements (TTIP, CETA, TISA, ACP, APE, TTP and others) strengthen the power of mutinational corporations and destroy the planet and democracy
  • Because we are committed against racism and sexism
  • Because we denounce corruption and tax havens

Our Oxi! No! is a Yes! to equality, social and labour rights and real democracy!
A Yes! for European debt cuts!
A Yes! to climate justice and to peasant agriculture!

In October, we will march from all over Europe to Brussels, we will surround the European elites and their hidden negotiations during the EU Council Summit, we will debate and demonstrate.
Come and join !


Information and contact

European Marches: euromarchas2015@gmail.com
Surrounding of the Summit: info@d19-20.be
General information (Call endorsement): sebastian@altersummit.eu
www.ox15.eu (in construction)
FB Event : OX15.eu

First signatories

EuroMarchas 2015
Alter Summit
Via Campesina
Corporate Europe Observatory
transform! europe
CADTM Europe

Acteurs des Temps Présents
Alliance D19-20
Mouvement Agriculture Paysanne
Belgian Anti-Poverty Network
Climate Express
Hard boven Hart
Tout Autre Chose
No Transat
Réseau Wallon de lutte contre la Pauvreté
Maison du Peuple d’Europe
Attac Wallonie Bruxelles
Pour (pour écrire la liberté)

Comité de organizacion de las EuroMarchas 2015
Mareas Blancas, Verdes, Azules, Rojas
Ecologistas en Acción
Coordination des ONGs Solidaires
Comisiones Obreras (CC.OO.)
Intersindical Valenciana
Fédéracion de Associaciones de barrios
Marchas 22M (de la « Dignidad »)
RAP (Red Agua Publica)

Comité français d’organisation des Marches
Des ponts pas des murs
Fondation Copernic
Marches européennes

FrauenLandesarbeitsgemeinschaft in der Partei DIE LINKE (DE)

Habita – Associação pelo direito à habitação e à cidade


United Kingdom
Global Justice Now


Altra Europa con Tsipras
IFE ITALIA/FAE – associazione femminista italiana


1 – 15 October: European Marches to Brussels
15 – 17 October: European Days of Action in Brussels
13 – 18 October: No-TTIP Camp in Brussels

Provisional programme

Between 1 and 15 October

European Marches to Brussels coming from all over Europe

(marches, local actions and events)

Days of Action against TTIP, CETA and TPP

decentralized activities across Europe and North America around 10 October, with a call on people to join the Brussels protests

To learn more: www.trade4people.org


From 13 to 18 October :

No-TTIP Camp in Brussels, https://campnottip.noblogs.org/


Thursday, 15 October

Arrival of the European Marches &
Surrounding of the EU Council Summit

against TTIP & austerity: a range of non-violent political actions

Friday, 16 October

World Food Day

Day for European Citizen Conferences in Brussel:

Citizen conference on debt
Effects of social dumping on society
Fiscal justice and tax havens in Europe (tbc)
TTIP & CETA (tbc)
Austerity and migrations (tbc)
Climate justice needs system change (tbc)
World Food Day Conference (tbc)

All day in Namur (http://rwlp.be)

Demonstration, debates and cultural actitivities to break the poverty trap



European Meeting in Brussels: “A European OXI to build our alternatives!”


Saturday, 17 October

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

European demonstration in Brussels: “Austerity = Poverty!” Let’s build another Europe!

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