The Future Factory


From 15-18 June we will come together in Rome to build the future! Activists, academics and left organisations will meet to discuss and design non-militaristic, non-antagonistic and collaborative futures.


Future Factory is a three-day gathering bringing together activists, academics and left organisations to discuss, plan and design non-militaristic, non-antagonistic, collaborative futures in which war and exploitation will be not only unthinkable, but impossible! There will be workshops, lectures, plenaries and assemblies that connect peace movements with the struggles of anti-racist and refugee solidarity movements, environmental justice, feminist, labour and social justice movements.


To participate in the Future Factory remember to register for each day/event:

Day 1, 15 June 2023

Day 2, 16 June 2023

Forum Theater Workshop, 16 June 2023

Day 3, 17 June 2023

Party, 17 June 2023

Common Breakfast, 18 June 2023

For more information on the registration process, check also TFF website.

The (preliminary) programme can be downloaded on the right/below (mobile version) under ‘Documents’ (Future Factory Programme, PDF).

For more information on the event (in EN and IT), please visit the Future Factory website, which will be updated in the coming days.

Future Factory is a space of connection, trust, solidarity, and resistance. Over the course of three days, we will push our boundaries and engage in collective thinking, and debating towards realising a world that paves the way for a just, peaceful and sustainable future for all.

Future Factory will harness creative and feminist ideas, building on positive alternatives that are already a reality in many societies, and envision how we might replicate and expand on these experiences going forward.

Future Factory recognises the growing sense of despair, fear, and insecurity at a time of multiple, deepening, and interconnected crises: climate and environmental crisis, global inequality, crisis of democracy, and precarious work conditions. History has shown that peace is a prerequisite for a full and dignified life. We will challenge the politics of walls and division and strengthen collective solidarity and well-being. No one is safe until everyone, everywhere, is safe.

Future Factory articulates proposals for active peace building, conflict prevention and civilian conflict management opposing the logic that grievances can only be resolved through militarism and war. We will develop and promote concepts that do not serve the interests of the weapons industry but the everyday safety needs of people and planet.

Future Factory will be a place to counter capitalism, colonialism, discrimination, oppression, patriarchy, white supremacy and racism. We will give new inspiration and power to an intersectional positive approach towards creating a life worth living.

Future Factory recognises how problematic European politics are and how they are still rooted in a colonialist logic. We will debate and organise around building a different Europe.

Future Factory
will expose the links between the looming financial meltdown, austerity policies of central banks, the consequences of a flared up global war economy and precarious labor realities.

Future Factory calls on us to start now! It will energise us in our struggle for democratic and meaningful participation and against structural inequality, in stopping the advance of climate change and preventing future climate disasters.

Future Factory will bring together activists, academics, various progressive and Left organisations to discuss, plan and design peaceful and collaborative futures where war and exploitation will not only be unthinkable but impossible!

Join us in workshops, lectures, plenaries and assemblies!

Partners of The Future Factory:
// ARCI // Esc Atelier // transform! Italia // Communia // WILPF // IPB International Peace Bureau // Transnational Institute // Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung // CLAP – Camere del lavoro autonomo e precario // Ultima Generazione // transform! europe // Global Justice Now // CGIL // Iratzar // Instituto República y Democracia // OneState Embassy


During this three-day event we will host workshops, lectures, plenaries and assemblies in search of concepts and campaigns that will articulate proposals for peace and security that do not serve the interests of the weapon industry but the every day safety needs of people and planet.

This is a draft version of the TFF program. Events will be added and updated continuously at the Future Factory homepage.

Simultaneous English/Italian interpretation will be available for some events. To be able to listen to the interpretation in your preferred language in real time, make sure you have a device with the Zoom app and headphones with you.

Day #1 – Thursday, 15 June 2023

Venue: Esc Atelier, Via dei Volsci159, Rome

21:30 (CET): Wine and Dinner

Day #2 – Friday, 16 June 2023

Venue: Arci Nazionale, via dei Monti di Pietralata, 16

10:00 (CET): Challenging Corporate Power and Monopoly Capitalism
// workshop // Brid Brennan and Tatiana Moutihno //

11:30 (CET): Feminist Political Economy
// workshop // Federica Giardini // Nela Porobic // Heidi Meinzolt

14:30 (CET): No Care – No peace
// workshop // Heidi Meinzolt // Patrizia Sterpetti // Andrea Marikovsky // Saskia Basa

Venue: Spazio Pubblico, via di Porta Maggiore 52, Roma

10:00 (CET): Work creates the future of Europe
// workshop //CGIL (tbc), Gala Kabbal, Giorgio Anselmi, Andrea Malpassi

14:30 (CET):
A free, democratic, anti-fascist Europe must be pacifist
// workshop // Sean Conner //Luigi Ferrajoli (tbc) // Angelica Romano // Ingar Soltly (tbc) // Sergio Bassoli

Venue: Sapienza University, Department of Social and Developmental Psychology, Via dei Marsi // Room 11, Floor 3

// workshop // Moderator: Prof. Silvia Cataldi //

Millenials and Gen Z in Europe: Political Participation and Left-Wing Politics

// Angelina Giannopoulou // Lina Zirganou Kazolea // Dimitris Papanikolopoulos (transform! europe)

Electoral Behaviors and Electoral Districts : Which Role of Young People?
//Carmelo Lombardo //Melissa Mongiardo // Marco Palmieri (Electoral Observatory, Sapienza University of Rome)

Social Network Electoral Campaigns and Leadership Styles
// Luca Massidda (University of Tuscia) // Flaminia Saccà (Sapienza University of Rome)

Venue: Communia, Viale dello Scalo S. Lorenzo, 33

10:00 (CET): Unpacking the climate-breakdown militarism nexus
//Workshop // Edwick Mazimure // Dafne Yeltekin

11:30 (CET): Europe’s double standards: The story of the Belarussian – Polish Border
// Workshop // Rut Kurkiewicz-Grocholska // Aigul Hakimova

14:30 (CET): “Solidarity Forever!” Working Poor and Social Unionism
//Workshop // CLAP

10:00 (CET): Arts and Culture Brigade | Forum Theater Workshop (extra registration, max 20 pax)
//One State Embassy

14:30 (CET): Arts and Culture Brigade | Camera Obscura Installation
// One State Embassy

15:30 (CET):Arts and Culture Brigade | Checkpoint Performance
// One State Embassy

Venue: Esc Atelier, Via dei Volsci, 159

10:00  (CET): Arts and Culture Brigade | Posters Marathon & The Art Record
// workshop // Nora Garcia

14:00 (CET): Arts and Culture Brigade | Posters Marathon & The Art Record
// workshop // Nora Garcia

17:00 (CET):
// Niamh Ní Bhriain and Andoni Olariaga

18:00 (CET): Countering Border Regimes in Europe and Beyond
// keynote lecture // Sofian Philip Naceur

18:30 (CET): Capitalism, Labor and Migration: contesting Europe’s Future
// discusion // Raul Sanchez Cedillo // Valery Alzaga // Sofian Philip Naceur
moderation: Katerina Anastasiou

// Pedro Chavez

20:30(CET): Music and Dinner

21:30Arts and Culture Brigade | Forum Theater Performance
// One State Embassy // TFF participants

Day #3 – Saturday, 17 June 2023

Venue: Arci Nazionale, via dei Monti di Pietralata, 16

10:00 (CET): A sustainable Future is Public: the example of GKN
// workshop // GKN // Marco Bersani // Hillary Wainwright

11:30 (CET): Will a Universal Basic Income bring us a dignified life?
// Workshop // CLAP // Ci vuole reddito

Venue: Spazio Pubblico, via di Porta Maggiore 52, Roma

10:00 (CET): Towards a Future without Sovereign Debt
// workshop // Imen Louati // Maha Ben Gadha // Sofian Philip Naceur

11:30 (CET): Getting rich on war: Business is booming for the arms industry
// workshop // Niamh Ní Bhriain // Laeticia Sedou //Katerina Anastasiou

Venue: Communia, viale dello Scalo S. Lorenzo, 33

10:00 (CET): Fossil Gas Extractivism: Who Profits and Who Pays?
// workshop //Francesco Martone // Gastivists (tbc) // NO TAP

11:30 (CET): A just future: how to bring about a green transition
//workshop //Francine Menstrum // Lucia Barcena (tbc)

14:30 (CET): Resisting Praxis: Contemporary climate justice struggles
// workshop // Ultima Generazione // Scientists for Future

10:00 (CET): Arts and Culture Brigade // Forum Theater Workshop
// One State Embassy (limited places – look for registration form)

14:00  (CET): Art & Political Intervention
//Discussion // Nora Garcia // STALKER (tbc) // CHEAP (tbc)

22:00 (CET): TFF23 Party (limited places – look for registration form)

Venue: Casale Garibaldi Via Romolo Balzani, 87

10:00 (CET): The future has no borders: Abolish the global apartheid regime
// workshop // Nidžara Ahmetašević // Manja Petrovska // Matthias Monroy

11:30 (CET): A future without us? AI, data and digitalisation
// workshop // Yasha Maccanico // Nadav Weiman (tbc) //Petral Molnar (tbc) // Andy King

14:00 (CET): Feminism in Social Media: Toppling the far-right agenda
// workshop //Lara Alcázar Miranda // Alba Sidera // Cristina Cardín Coello // Tiaré Gatti Mora

Venue: Esc Atelier, Via dei Volsci, 159

10:00 (CET): Arts and Culture Brigade | Posters Marathon & The Art Record
// workshop // Nora Garcia

17:00 (CET): Arts and Culture Brigade
// Posters Exhibition // Nora Garcia

17:00 (CET): Organising for change: Common Spaces for systemic alternatives
// moderation // Christoph Aguiton, Katerina Anastasiou

18:00 (CET): Capitalism, the Climate Crisis, Collective Alternatives
// Lecture // (tbc)

18:30 (CET): Collective Future: can we stop climate breakdown?
// Discussion // Dottie Guerrero (online) // Nela Porobic // Federica Giardini
moderation: Barbara Steiner

19:30 (CET):Closing Assembly

20:30 (CET):  Wine and Dinner

20:30 (CET): Arts and Culture Brigade | Checkpoint performance
Nora Garcia + Ose

21:00 (CET): Arts and Culture Brigade | Instrument performance + Jam Session
Osama Zatar

21:00 (CET): Arts and Culture Brigade
One State Embassy

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