The Middle East at Historical Crossroads

transform! Symposium and Art Exhibition

transform! europe
Gusshausstr. 14/3
1040 Wien


With this symposium transform! europe wants to provide a neutral and comradely space for dialogue and exchange between the Israeli and Palestinian sides and simultaneously create a channel of communication with European comrades and friends, that will elaborate, on a multilevel scale, how to contribute effectively in enhancing this peace process.


In this context, we have designed a number of inputs. Two public sessions and four closed working sessions around the following axis:

  • “Contemporary Peace Process in Israel and Palestine”
  • “Contemporary realities of migrants and refugees in Europe and the Middle East”
  • “Art Without Borders”
  • “Contemporary Conflicts in the Middle East and the region”

The symposium will be concluded with a lecture by Dr. Gregor Gysi and a press conference.

In the frame of the conference we will be hosting the art exhibition “The middle East at historical crossroads”.

As the places are limited, we kindly ask you to communicate your participation as soon as possible by sending an email to:


Open session # 1
Saturday, 14 January, 10:30 -12:30

Introduction and Welcome Speeches:

Political Coordinator, transform!europe, Dr. Walter Baier

Co-initiator of the Vienna Symposium, Yosi Ben Bassat

MEP, President of the GUE/NGL group in the European Parliament, Gabriele Zimmer

MP, Deputy chairman of “Die Linke” in the Bundestag, Wolfgang Gehrcke

Member of Palestinian Committee for the Interaction with the Israeli Society (PCIIS), Ramallah Manager Israeli Dept, Dr. Ziad Darwish

General Secretary of MERETZ, Former MP Israel, Mosik Raz



Open session # 2
Monday, 16 January, 14:30 – 16:00

Conclusion and closing notes:  

Political Coordinator, transform!europe, Dr. Walter Baier

Lecture by:

President of the Party of the European Left, Dr. Gregor Gysi


Public inauguration of the exhibition “ART WITHOUT BORDERS”
Saturday, 14 January, 19.30

Curator: Shirley Meshulam

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