What Have We Signed up To? A Comparative Analysis of the EU Deals With Big Pharma

Publication launch

Since the beginning of the pandemic, governments have spent at least €93 billion on Covid-19 vaccines and therapeutics globally. But, which interests were defended? Those of profit, or those of public health?


To answer this question, The Left in the European Parliament has commissioned a study analysing the agreements between pharma companies and the European Commission and other institutions. The study carried out by Medicine Law & Policy, a research group working in the public interest, analyses five contracts: EU-AstraZeneca, EU-CureVac, EU-Moderna, UK-AstraZeneca, and US-Moderna. Although most of the documents are heavily redacted, the comparative analysis allows drawing important conclusions and it shows that the European Commission was not able – unlike other institutions – to secure advantageous clauses.

Thursday, 15. July 2021
13:00 – 14:30 (CET)
via Zoom

For further information, see the website of The Left in the European Parliament (formerly GUE/NGL)


Welcome and opening remarks

Silvia Modig MEP, ENVI Coordinator for the Left

Presentation of the study by the author

Ellen t’Hoen LLM PHD, Researcher, MLP


Olivier Hoedman, Research and Campaign coordinator, CEO


Yannis Natsis, Policy manager, EPHA

Discussion with participants


Kateřina Konečná MEP, The Left group health expert

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