6th European Left Congress Questionnaire – Data Summary


The present survey on the Party of the European Left (EL) is based on the answers given to the questionnaire by the delegates to the 6th Congress of the Party of the European Left (EL), held in Málaga between 13 and 15 December 2019.


The survey was conducted by transform! europe and La FEC (Europe of Citizens Foundation / Fundación por la Europa de los Ciudadanos). It is the fourth published survey (after Paris 2010, Madrid 2013 and Berlin 2016). These surveys aim to provide useful statistical tools for a better understanding of the radical left and the Party of the European Left as well as changes and trends in the views and profiles of the delegates.

The party delegates answered questions about the congress, the Party of the European Left and the transform! europe network, on their affiliations and positions within their national political parties and their views on their national parties in the context of the political situation of their countries. In addition to their sociodemographic data, the interviewees were also questioned about their political opinions and attitudes.

Please find the report for download as PDF on the left/below (mobile version) in “Documents”.

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