In the Aftermath of the European Elections: The European Left Facing New Challenges


This publication is the documentation of the seminar organised by transform! and the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation in June 2019, right after the European Elections.


The event is a long lasting cooperation between the two foundations that takes place annually. This year’s gathering was focused on the results of the European Elections and their impact on the European left. The eDossier contains selected contributions and could serve as material for the debate on the prospective European strategy of the left forces.

Please find the eDossier on the left/below (mobile version) in ‘Documents’ (English, PDF).

Table of Contents

Introduction, Angelina Giannopoulou
Future Perspectives of the European Family of the Political Left, Gabi Zimmer
Considerations on the European Elections, Walter Baier
After the Defeat. New Challenges for the Radical Left after the European Elections, Cornelia Hildebrandt
Facing the Far Right: What Future for the Left, Paul Elek
Future Perspectives of the European Family of the Political Left, Heinz Bierbaum
The Far Right in Government in EU. The Strategies and the Contradictions of Far-Right Parties in Austria and Italy, Giuseppe Cugnata

The Spanish Case, The Europe of Citizens Foundation / Fundación por la Europa de los Ciudadanos (FEC)
Italy: Triumph of the Radical Right, Defeat of the Radical Left, Paolo Chiocchetti
The Greek Left between (European) Victory and (National) Defeat, Danae Koltsida
A Thorough Political Evaluation of the Electoral Results in Cyprus and Questions Posed to the European Left, Yiannos Katsourides
European Parliament Elections 2019, Finland, Jukka Pietiläinen
A Portuguese Mirage in the European Political Landscape, Tatiana Moutinho
The Results of the European Elections in Poland, Gavin Rae
The 2019 European Elections Analysis: A Dispatch from Bulgaria, Jana Tsoneva
Czechia as a Part of CEE Region – One Pebble of Intricate Mosaic, Jiří Málek

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