Radical in Diversity: Europe’s Left 2010-2020

New Release

This volume reviews the full breadth of discussions around the left project from 2010 to 2020, tracking developments within the left across Europe – edited by Amieke Bouma and transform! europe’s Cornelia Hildebrandt and Danai Koltsida.


What is the role of the radical left in Europe? How can regional groups parties and groups contribute to a common European left?
Scholars and activists from 22 countries explore radical left strategies:

  • How best to struggle against chauvinism and right-wing extremism?
  • How to respond to economic, financial and migration crises?
  • How to combine traditional left interests – social welfare, workers’ rights, medical care and education, with new left concerns such as the social inclusion of migrants and the protection of the environment?
  • How can left parties contend with new bourgeois and green left-of-center parties?
  • And importantly, how to forge a European left that transcends national interests, reigning in corporate interests and promoting social, gender and racial emancipation?

The contributors examine specific local backgrounds and review parties and movements, in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Balkans, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, and the UK.

Ordering Information

Radical in Diversity. Europe’s Left 2010-2020
edited by Amieke Bouma, Cornelia Hildebrandt and Danai Koltsida
Merlin Press
ISBN: 9780850367690

The book can be ordered here

Table of Contents

Amieke Bouma, Cornelia Hildebrandt, & Danai Koltsida: Introduction

Central and Western Europe

Cornelia Hildebrandt: The Left Party in Germany With East-West History on the Move

Barbara Steiner: The Left in Austria: Out of the Impasse with a Fresh Breeze

Giuseppe Cugnata: The Reconfiguration of the French Radical Left, 2017-2020

Adrien Thomas: Luxembourg´s Left: Between Co-optation and Marginalisation

Nico Biver: The Rise of the Remarkable Workers´ Party of Belgium

The Netherlands
Amieke Bouma: The Socialist Party in the Netherlands, 2010-2021


Eva Milsted Enoksen & Ulrik Kohl: The Red-Green Alliance: To the Left of a Centre-Left Governmment

Henning Süssner Rubin: Sweden: A Left Dilemma

Jukka Pietiläinen: Finnland – The Left Alliance: From an Opposition Outsider to a Renewed Left-Green Party

Central and Eastern Europe

Jukka Pietiläinen: Estonia: From a Marginal Left Party to a Marginal National Minority Party

Niks Derums: The Left in Latvia

Andrius Bielskis: On the Weakness of the Political Left in  Lithuania

Piotr Janiszewski: The Left in Poland: Three Decades after Transition

Czech Republic
Matěj Metelec: Left-Wing Politics in Czechia: The Twilight of Anti-Communism and the Uncertain Future of the Left

Michael Augustin: Ten Years of the Radical Left and Left-Wing Milieu in Slovakia

Zoltán Pogátsa: The Political Left in Hungary

Florin Poenaru: The Curious Case of the Romanian Social Democratic Party

Jana Tsoneva: The State of the Left in Bulgaria, 2013-2020

South-Eastern Europe
Krunoslav Stojaković: The New Left in South-Eastern Europe: Between Dynamics and Stagnation

Southern Europe

Danai Koltsida: The Greek Left in Turbulent Times, 2010-2020

Yiannos Katsourides: The Cypriot Left: AKEL

Paolo Chiocchetti: The Continuing Crisis of the Italian Radical Left

Marga Ferré: From the Streets to the Government: The Many Contradictions Facing the Spanish Left

André Freire: The Left in Portugal: From a Left-Wing Majority to a “Blinker Goverment”, 2015-2020

Ireland and the UK

Stephen Hopkins: The Radical Left in Contemporary Ireland 2011-2020

The UK
Kate Hudson: The Radical Left in Britain: the Last Ten Years

Author Details

List of European Radical Left Parties

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