Riace: Local Impact of a Case of Self-Valorisation of Migrant Labour in the Frame of the Global Compact


In this publication, the authors present a multidisciplinary analysis of the case of Riace and the broader context of Italian migration policies.


The study focuses on three specific aspects of international relevance: the failure to establish a global regulatory mechanism for confronting the phenomenon, the securitarian management of the migration crisis, and the related distorted media narrative.

Please find the ePaper on the left/below (mobile version) in ‘Documents’ (English, PDF).

Table of Contents

Introduction, by Andrea Devoto, Francesco Nurra, Fulvia Teano, and Alessandro Tedde

Global Encroachments: Valorisation of Labour Power and Self-Valorisation of Labour in the Capitalist Circulation Process, by Alessandro Tedde

Fundamental rights, the Fight Against Irregular Immigration and Its Limits. A New Approach in the Regulation of Immigration, by Andrea Devoto

Riace as an Informal Labour Management Case? A Position Paper, by Francesco Nurra

Fake News and the Spread of Disinformation Regarding Migration, by Fulvia Teano

Conclusions: Riace as a Paradigm?, by Andrea Devoto, Francesco Nurra, Fulvia Teano, and Alessandro Tedde

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