The path to the European Union for North Macedonia, false promises and unfilled standards


This ePaper analyses the most important political developments in North Macedonia under the social democratic-led government of Zoran Zaev (2017-2020).



Notwithstanding the far-reaching political changes in the country (notably those resulting from the Prespa Agreement), the author undertakes a critical examination of the political statements and deeds of the previous government: For example, what promises were made in the area of economic and judicial reforms, national identity, and in terms of meeting the requirements for EU accession? In which fields did the government keep its promises and where did it fail to do so?

To answer these questions, Sonja Stojadinovič, political activist, well-known columnist for North Macedonian newspapers, and researcher in the fields of political science and international relations, uses extensive source material: the 2017-2020 Government Programme , statements by former Prime Minister Zaev, as well as media and EU reports regarding the country‘s path to EU accession.


Please find the ePaper on the left/below (mobile version) in ‘Documents’ (English and Romanian, PDF).



  1. Introductory words
  2. Notification
  3. Economic and social-security reforms
  4. The judiciary
  5. Law on the use of languages
  6. EU accession, good neighbour policy, and resolution of the name issue
  7. Conclusion
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