The Situation of Women in Poland 2020


Starting in October 2020, feminist protests, which could not be ignored, have addressed the multitude of issues women are facing in the country. This publication of the Naprzód Foundation – available in English and Polish, co-financed by transform! europe – focuses on structural sexism and the current forms of patriarchal rule in Poland.


The so-called protection of life and the family is deeply rooted in the conservative-nationalist ideology of the Polish government. In 2020, a group of right-wing MPs appealed to the Constitutional Tribunal arguing that the existing restrictive abortion law was inconsistent with the Constitution, as it included clauses that allowed abortion – even if only in exceptional circumstances. The Constitutional Tribunal, like other state institutions, has increaslingly come under the control of the right-wing government and therefore yielded to its outlook, effectively leading to a complete ban of abortion in Poland. This was met with a huge – and ongoing – wave of mass demonstrations…


Please find the ePaper on the left/below (mobile version) in ‘Documents’ (English and Polish, PDF).


Table of Contents

Agata Czarnacka, Reproductive rights and beyond – Pol(s)ka 2021

Anna Grodzka, The new political reality in Poland: the Women’s Strike in its political context

Małgorzata Jonczy-Adamska, On how the Polish education system forms social roles and gender positions

Joanna Miśkiewicz, Women on the labour market and their restricted right of association

Urszula Nowakowska, Andrzej Dominiczak, Women as Victims of Violence in Poland

Ewa Majewska, Feminist Theory and Practice: Dialectics of the Women’s Strike 2020 and what may lie ahead

Interview with Ewa Dąbrowska-Szulc, ‘To Regain the Right to Decide for Ourselves’

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