Trade and Investment


Since trade and investment policies are of immense importance for our lives and political work transform! europe offers you this brochure on trade policy.


Many of our political goals are connected to the rules of international trade. Gender equality, environmentally sustainable production of goods and services, the ability of the citizens to decide the norms of their political communities and a stronger role of the state in the economy, everything is deeply influenced by the rules of international trade agreements. The real problem for the radical left are the global value chains, governed by big international monopolies and supported by the rising right-wing forces and neoliberals accommodating to them.

This brochure wants to update our knowledge and demonstrate that viable alternatives exist. If you are interested in this topic, please let us know and contact us!


Lucía Bárcena Menéndez/ Pablo Sánchez, Trade investment. A guide to the movements against free trade and investment agreements in Europe. Vienna 2018.


Find the brochure for download on the right/below (mobile version) in ‘Documents’  (English, German, Spanish and French, PDF).

For ordering the brochure, please contact:


Table of Contents

Roland Kulke, Preface
Purpose of the brochure

1. Introducing Free Trade Agreements (FTA) and International Investment Agreements (IIA)
2. Why Free Trade Agreements and International Investment Agreements are not about trade
3. Crisis within the World Trade Organization and reforms needed. Splits in the WTO: what do they mean?
4. What Free Trade and Investment Agreements are on the EU agenda?
5. Impacts of the current International Trade System
6. Examples of actions and responses from civil society
7. What alternatives do we propose?


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