Bubble 4.0 – A Marxist View through the Prism of the Old Left

The so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is said be dramatically shaking the world. 4.0 technologies are thought to have unprecedented impact not only on the economy but also to be revolutionaising society as a whole. There are many myths associated with the 4.0 projects and visions. They can be deconstructed using the methodology of Marxist political economy, including the theory of long innovation waves, an area, among others, in which Czech economists contributed significantly to the development of Marxian theory.


Please find the ePaper on the left/below (mobile version) in ‘Documents’ (English, PDF).


Table of contents

Exploring globalisation and 4.0 processes – the Czech contribution
Old and new theories of transformation of capitalism
Another New Economy?
4IR as the Next Phase of the Information or Digital Revolution?
The Magic of V. (or VI. and VII.?) Long K-Waves
The Meaning of i4.0 and the Tasks of the Left

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