Deepening European Integration in Order to Get Realistic Options for the European Left


With this publication, transform! europe presents a discussion paper by Prof. Hartmut Elsenhans on the EU’s economic and monetary policy. Elsenhans adopts a trade union-oriented view of the economy, which combines Keynesian economic analysis with a Marxist class analysis.


Whether or not the argument that capitalism were the best option to produce and distribute social wealth and ensure a decent life for everyone is valid, remains up to the reader’s judgment. However, one thing is clear even after more than 10 years of economic crisis, the economic and social institutions of the EU are still brazenly vulner­able to the next financial crisis, and the damaging social impact of the last one remains unresolved. How to tackle the structural lack of demand and the resulting mass unemployment within the EU is of integral importance to any valid left-wing policy. The aim of this text is to provide answers, addressing which social, economic and political institutions should the left use, and which political and social-transnational coalitions.

Roland Kulke

Please find the ePaper on the left/below (mobile version) in ‘Documents’ (English, Romanian and Bulgarian, PDF).


Preface by Roland Kulke
Introductory words
1. The necessity of large economic areas if state power is to be used to correct the market.
2. Shifting from negative integration to positive assertion of the regulating state
3. The base of profits are rising mass incomes
4. International competitiveness does not depend on low real wages
5. Policies for social reform require large majorities, including the political liberals
6. Using capitalism instead of lamenting it
7. Bibliography

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